A Cozy Welcome

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||This chapter is narrated from Wednesday's perspective||

"Thing, I need your assistance. Lily will be living with us now, so I'll need to make some adjustments to my part of the room" I explained as I entered the room, finding Thing engrossed in one of Enid's magazines.

What's the plan?

"We'll need to make some space. Unfortunately, that means my cello and typewriter should be put away. We can move the desk to the center of the room to make space for her bed that they will bring later" I suggested.


As we completed the adjustments, Enid entered the room, her face glowing with a warm smile, carrying a vibrant shopping bag.

"Hey! Check out what Yoko and I picked up for Lily!" Enid gently placed the bag on her bed, her excitement palpable as she began to reveal its contents—picture books, plush toys, and a small art set.

I think she'll really enjoy these!

"I agree with Thing, excellent choices, Enid" I remarked.

Enid's eyes widened in surprise as she scanned the room. "Wait...Why is your desk there, and where's your typewriter and your cello? What's happening?"

"I mentioned earlier that Thing and I would prepare the room for Lily. The cello takes up space, so I put it away, and the typewriter is now safely in its case below my bed. I thought we could place Lily's bed where my desk used to be" I explained.

"I see...Thing, can you please help me move my plushes to the closet?" Enid requested.

On it!

"If I put my plushes away, there will be enough space here for your cello" Enid said, indicating a spot near her bed. "And if I put my laptop in its bag, you can put your typewriter on my desk!" She suggested enthusiastically.

"Oh, Thing, put that one in my bed; it's my favorite" Enid instructed.

Thing complied with her request, placing the plush in her bed.

"Enid, there's no need for you to do this" I said

Enid just smiled and continued moving her things.

I stood in the center of the room, observing how Thing and Enid tidied up everything swiftly.

"You know, seeing you so engrossed in your writing is something I truly cherish" Enid confessed, breaking the silence.

"I thought the noise was annoying" I admitted.

"Haha, well, it was at first! But I guess I learned to like it" Enid chuckled.

I didn't say anything but took my typewriter out and placed it on Enid's desk. She quickly helped me position the cello too.

We stood side by side, surveying how Enid's part of the room now had a part of me. For some inexplicable reason, seeing it like this made me feel content and strangely connected.

"Your cello's melodies in the quiet of the night, your typing on that old typewriter...they're all part of what makes this room feel like home" Enid said with a soft smile.

I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling welling up inside me. I couldn't quite decipher the emotions I was experiencing, but they were undeniably special.

"I...Thank you" I finally managed to say.

"cute..." Enid murmured, and my heart skipped a beat.

"What?" I asked, taken aback.

"Eh! I...I mean...you..I...I will go ask for Lily's bed so we can put it already...see ya!" Enid runs away as if fleeing a crime scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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