Season 4 Episode 23 Jannanigans

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Tom:What's going on
Marco:I'll tell you what's going on something bad has happened to Mewni
Buttercup:what has happened
Marco:Star has been corrupted by Eclipsa
Jaxsen:Yes I knew I was right
And he laughed his ass off again
Buttercup:Jaxsen we're in crisis mode right now but I actually found a way to get to Mewni
The Boys:How
Buttercup:all I remember from that day it's that it was a Thursday I totally normal Thursday
Jaxsen:Ah-ha I would have done anything else on Thursdays too
Buttercup:Thursday is garage day
Tom:so you bring your garbage to your neighbors garage
Buttercup:to feed the
Buttercup:I what's going to say that
Tom:you not supposed to feed these things
Buttercup:if I don't they came to my garage
Tom:No No that's my leg
Jaxsen:(laughing his ass off for a 3rd time)Ohh I love birds so much so how did you actually get there again
Buttercup:well usually these rascals apparently hat and then I have to go get a new one from needles
Jaxsen:Who's Needles
Pickels:Whoa whoa Janna you know the boss isn't happy with you
Buttercup:He who gives shall never need
Pickles:He who takes shall forever bleed it ain't my fault if you leave here and crutches
Jaxsen:He He He what I thought it was funny
Pickled leaves Buttercup and The Boys down The Alley
Marco:I don't like the sound of needles
Jaxsen:(laughing again)
Pickels:hey quiet in the back
Buttercup:show some respect
Jaxsen:I am I am I'm sorry
Needles:Janna What's up
Buttercup:hey Needles what's up
Needles:Look you need a new hat
Buttercup:Looks Right
Needles:but you still own me for the last one I made you don't forget you're in the red
Buttercup:Oh Dang I never got you The goods
Needles:yeah that's right and you know what that means Omega one doesn't have any tennis balls
Buttercup:Yeah Needles knits my hats that I pay for with tennis balls stranded back alley deal
Needles:yeah stranded back alley deal you know what it is a normal thing that's how we do it
Jaxsen:Look I'm Juggling tennis balls
Needles:No time for this you better make some time or bland man over here is going to get broke like a breadstick crack
Marco:What Who Me
Needles:or maybe we can make a deal for those sweet horns I could make a real nice hat with those hand 'em over
Jaxsen:SHUT UP (throws a tennis ball at needles) BULL'S-EYE
Buttercup:Cool it's noodles my crew and I will get you the goods oh that's a fresh 1 just about 100 more to go
Tom:Man a week ago I was starting at 1000 sunsets in a dimension with 1000 sunsets and now I'm here picking up tennis balls
Marco:yeah sorry it ended like this
Tom:it's cool and you know what we're cool
Marco:Wait were we not
Jaxsen:you mean us boys we might not be best friends but we're still colleagues from work I know because I spent all my life working with Buttercup
Tom:Mewni might be in trouble
Marco:you're wasted so much time
Buttercup:Well excuse me Bland Man Jeez
Jaxsen:ha ha Bland Man
Marco:hey that's not my name Janna
Jaxsen:don't forget about me
Marco:Whatever anyway I didn't realize how much all of this was affecting you plus I didn't realize that you actually had human emotions
Jaxsen:Saiyan emotions
Marco:God Damn It
Buttercup:yeah me neither
Marco:come on let's just take a break
Buttercup:well collecting tennis balls does make me hungry
The scene cuts to Britta's Tacos Wher Buttercup and The Boys are sitting an outdoor table looking at The depressed Sensei that he appears with The tray of food
Sensei:okay party people I got your grub Taco from Monaco all right and for the lady wait a second your name wouldn't have to be Janna wouldn't
Janna:No It's Banana
Sensei:I'm not falling for that Janna I refuse to serve someone named Janna
And Then Jaxsen shot him with a gun
Marco:what did you do that for
Jaxsen:Because he wouldn't let us eat
Buttercup and the boys spent several seconds in silence eating their food
Buttercup:Whew This Habanero Sauce makes me sweat like a beast
Marco:Hey That's my shirt
Buttercup:what are you talking about
Marco:this it's the 200 Taco punch card mystery price and it's mine just look at it See
Buttercup:After I collected the tennis balls I stopped by here on my way back to Needles and saw a promo for the 200 Taco mystery prize and I figured hey this girl has eaten at least 200 tacos over the course of her life time so they already own me a price but they didn't see it that way so I claimed when it was nothing and I went to the back door they always keep the mystery price in the supplies closet so I forced open the door sure enough forced and turley and this is where it gets weird I went down this creepy ladder yeah I think they age their meat down here oh yeah this is looking familiar
Jaxsen:Actually we never had Tacos so what does this have to do with you
Marco:are those dinosaur bones
Tom:man this place was downright homey
Buttercup:Ah here it is where I got my new shirt and then I guess I saw this demo with graffiti
Marco:I don't think that's graffiti
Jaxsen:Yeah bad idea if we go down there I'll have amnesia again so yeah not happening so let's just go with Plan B
Shenron:Why have you summoned me
Tom:you guys new all this
Jaxsen:Yup which is why we're taking the shortcut to Mewni
Shenron:Wish Granted
And then he teleports all 4 of them to Mewni
Jaxsen:See easy as pie
Dendi:Um Buttercup shenron wants to know what your 2nd wish is
Jaxsen:I want to be a Super Saiyan
SSJ2 Jaxsen:Sweet
Dendi:and what about The 3rd Wish
Buttercup:How about this gem then I found at The Sun Warriors Temple do you have something to do with this
Shenron:No but I do have someone who has a connection to this gem
Buttercup:Who's That
Shenron:You will see and find out but anyways farewell
Buttercup:what's he talking about
Jaxsen:I Don't Know But Anyways Now To Stop Star
Tom:But wait what if they're still good in her I'm 100% sure that
Jaxsen turns into a Super Saiyan 2 and shots Tom to death with his laser gun

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