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Everything started with a walk outside of the Underworld. It was unusual, for him, to leave his realm and visit the world of the living; after all, he was the God of the Dead, and, amongst humans and the other Gods, he'd always been known as a dutiful, firm king, careful to mantain the natural order and balance amongs the souls that inhabit the whole world. That's why, that morning, the demonic creatures that had crossed his path had seemed to be surprised, while he was headed towards the exit from the Underworld.

Actually, he was kind of surprised too. Inside of him, he'd felt something that had pushed him to take that walk outside. Surely, there was a valid reason behind that sudden urge, and he, Fumikage, didn't really want to ignore whatever the Fate had planned for him that day.

In the world of the living, he found himself in a forest. A light breeze gently caressed his skin and the feathers on his head, and proceeded to delicately shake the grass blades, the crown of the trees and the colorful plants shining under the ride of the Sun God through the blue sky. Fumikage walked asbently alongside a stream, noticing his figure reflected on the clear water. A "human" body wearing a black, long tunic, and the head of a bird - of a raven, precisely, with a yellow beak hooked down at the end. This was the appearance that he most gladly took on and that made him the unmistakeable, dark Lord of the Underworld.

Fumikage kept on walking in the forest until he saw its end. He had the intention to go beyond the trees and towards the ample green meadow that he saw in the distance, but a feminine, kind and familiar voice stopped him.

"I found you!" the voice said with a note of cheerfulness.

The God stayed still for a moment; no, the voice he heard was not speaking to him. Now, he had the intention to go away from that place. Whatever creature or God that was there, it was none of his business what they were doing, and he did not even care. However, just as he was about to turn back, he heard a second voice. It was cristal clear, high pitched, but wonderfully melodic. Hypnotic. Fumikage stopped.

"Oh, Momo, it's not fair! You are too good at finding who is hiding!"

He remembered. The feminine voice he first heard was the voice of the Goddess of the Hunt and of Chastity, commonly known as Artemis, and by few called Momo.

Fumikage vaguely saw the Goddes, who had the appearance of a young woman with dark hair. But the voice that had enchanted the God of the Dead was not hers. He suddenly felt the strange desire to see the person she was talking to. As if attracted by an invisible force, he silenlty approached the outer trees of the forest.

Sitting there, on the shining, green grass, next to Momo and to some other nymphs, there was a figure that Fumikage recognized as a young man, cheerfully laughing. It was a sweet, soft laughter, perfectly balanced with his lovely appearance. His golden, smoothened hair was glowing to the light of the Sun - along with his white tunic, which emphasized his pureness. Everything seemed to be harmonic in him: the shape of his smiling face, of a unique beauty; his petite up-turned nose; his splendid indigo eyes, sparkling like the stars in the night sky.

Fumikage had never seen much of the world of the living - however, in that moment, he could swear to everything he had that that young man was the most beautiful person of the whole world, and of all times.


The voice of another woman broke the spell Fumikage was under. He saw the young man turning towards the figure of a woman with long, golden hair, which Fumikage immediately recognized as Demeter, the Goddess of Agriculture and Harvest.


The blonde man stood up and approached the Goddess to give her a tender hug. Demeter held him in her embrace, showing a kind smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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