The Life of a Neanderthal

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note: this was by far the best biology project i've ever been assigned. we were supposted to do research about diffrent species that, according to scientists, we evolved from and then write a story or a journal entry using the information that we found. So, this actually has acurate information about the bones and muscles of neaderthals and their rituals and belifes, although, of course, they did not have a devoloped writing system.

Dear diary,

All of last week, I watched Harold the fifth from my cave. He was getting ready to embark on a dangerous hunt into the Alps with his home boys, including my brother. The air was beginning to get colder and the gods were no longer bestowing us with that tasty green stuff that often got stuck in my incisors, so our men shall set off to thrust their modern stone spears into whatever they can find. Once they return we will use scrapers free the animal of its furry warm coat. We shall harness the power of flame to make our food soft and tender, and then we will tear into the calves of the animal with our canine teeth and chew with our flat molars before allowing the food to travel down into our stomachs. After this meal I, along with some of the other woman will take the more slender and sharp of the bones, along with the hide of the beast to create some sort of garmen. I love spending time with the others as we watch the godly flames rise around our food and have them warm our bodies. We usually all sit very close together, and although I cannot understand the others very well, when I’m with them I feel as if I belong to something bigger. We grunt in communication. Some of us draw, or shape rocks into tools. Today, one man is doing something very extraordinary, he is shaping a flat rock, not into a tool, but what resembles a face. We all gather around him in wonder and awe, this is a new achievement for us as a species: Homo neanderthalensis.



Dear diary,

Today, I was in my cave sleeping, my hand cushioning the temporal region of my skull from the cold hard floor, when I felt something pelt the back of my neck, more specifically the nuchal region, near the foramen magnum of my skull to which my backbone was attached. It was a KFC chicken wing thrown by my best friend Angelica the third; she grunted and pointed to the valley below. Then I saw him! Harold the fifth, returning from his hunt. His hairy, five foot five, barrel-shaped body glittered in the sun, Calvin Klein animal skins flowing from his shoulders. Misshapen yellow rotting teeth protruded from his mouth in a grin. His sexy zygomatic arch sprung from his cheeks, displaying strong masseter muscles, and that’s when I knew it. He was the one for me; I wanted him in my cave tonight. I ran up to him and pressed my body against his, holding his strong ascending ramus in one hand, so that I could look into his eyes, and stroking his brow ridge with the other. “I love you,” I grunted, romantically, but he gently pulled me away from him and gestured towards something that the other hunters were carrying. Upon further inspection, I realized that it was the dead carcass of my brother, Samuel the sixteenth. His neck appeared to have been fractured for it lay in an unnatural position as it rested on the cold hard grass. I sank to the ground next to him, something salty pouring from my eyes, causing my face to become a watery red mess. Some of our people began to prepare a fire to burn his body and send it off to the hands of the gods, while others picked flowers to mark his grave. Many of our men have been dying lately due to injuries and few of our hunting groups have returned successfully. We suspect it is because of these strange Creatures that have been emerging lately. They are like us but tall, thin, and fast with a smaller cranial capacity. These Creatures give me nightmares. In my dreams they chase us, run us out of our homes, and steal our food until we starve and die. I’m scared.



Dear diary,

The prophecy is coming true. One hundred years ago it was predicted that the world end in year 30,000 (as in 30,000 million years ago, your time). I wonder how my cousins near the yellow river are faring. I hope that they are better off than we are here. The elders say that the Creatures will cause the end of the world, they say that this is what the gods have planned out for us and we must accept it… but I’m scared, hungry, and cold as I lie here in my cave alone. I’m very thin from lack of food and my bones are very clearly visible through my flesh. I don’t think any of the others are doing so well either. Harold passed away today, and there was no one left with enough strength to move his body, even if there was, no one would dare go outside to collect firewood for fear of Them. I shudder to think of him lying there outside, his flesh slowly rotting, being eaten by whatever happens to come by, never getting sent off to heaven. I don’t think I’ll be able to write again. I am too weak and depressed. I think I have five days to live at best.



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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2011 ⏰

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