Gravity Falls The Movie: One Last Mystery. Chapter: 1

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Warning if you have not watched Gravity Falls I highly recommend you do to understand this story.

We start in the clouds and move down into a road in the middle of the woods. In front we see the mountain with a hole shaped like a UFO. We move above the forest to see a town. Cut to the center of town watching people go about their day. Cut to a mansion on a hill inside a crazy inventor by the name Fiddleford McGucket the room was covered in Blueprints and fancy gadgets. Outside of the mansion is what was once the Shack Tron now in pieces from the battle during Weirdmageddon.

We look at a diner in the shape of a log to see a blue haired woman with one eye closed pouring a big man with a red hair beard coffee and putting down plates of food. We look into the woods at a timber farm to see boys cutting up wood. A red haired girl can be seen high in the tree using a hand held axe to cut off branches. She looks back to see the top of the town with a flock of birds passing by.

We go to a cemetery where we see a couple cleaning tombstones and another younger couple who are a little emo on a porch snuggling watching a show. We move to a tall white haired man in a blue suit selling cars to people. On top of the mountain we see a train go by and inside we see a couple the man slim the woman plump. But I know you're not here for them.

We move away and begin flying over the town and back into the woods to come up upon a house called the Mystery Shack with the S fallen off making the word hack. Inside we see a fat man with a fake eye patch and red hat in a black suit leading a crowd through of creatures in their town. After they leave the man walks to the cashier who is his wife. To the left of the cashier was a three year old boy.

These three were the Ramirez's. The big man was named Soos a good friend of the founder of the mystery shack. The cashier was named Melody. Their first date involved a crazy video game character that wanted Soos and almost killing Melody and Soos's two other friends Dipper and Mabel. Then Melody moved away to Portland but came back by the end of the summer to help Soos run the shack. A year later getting married then a few months later having their son Antonio. Behind the counter he was putting together a fancy contraption that looked like a butterfly. He finished it wound it up and it began flying in the room. Soos struggling to catch it only for Melody to easily catch it.

Melody: "Now now Antonio what did we say about your inventions"

Antonio: "Do em outside sorry mom"

Melody: "It's ok baby"

We exit the shack to go back to the road to see a car pass by. In this car are our two legendary heroes who helped save the town from total weirdness. Dipper and Mabel Pines. Dipper was driving the car with a boy next to him.

His name was Mermando but he goes by Miguel in public (DO NOT START PUTTING ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE MEMES IN THE COMMENTS) he was Mabel's boyfriend

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His name was Mermando but he goes by Miguel in public (DO NOT START PUTTING ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE MEMES IN THE COMMENTS) he was Mabel's boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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