chapter 1-who would have guessed

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Kristin phoned idina and she picked up the phone so quickly there wasn't even time to say bibbidi bobbidi boo,yeah it was that fast but that's not surprising since they hadn't seen each other in like forever
"Hey" idina said not wanting to waste a valuable second tbh she wanted to hug her but let's not think about that.

"Hi"Kristin said a little bit upset,which Dee never wanted her to be.

"You alright Kris you sound like your about to burst into tears"

"I'm fine" Kristin said but Idina knew she was lying straight away,she could always tell

"Kristin be honest you know you don't have to lie to me " there was a brief pause where no one knew what to say

then Kristin said "do you want to meet up the beach tomorrow and we can talk then"

"Sure".idina said "see you then"

"Bye" Kristin said,after putting down the phone she burst into tears,I will tell you why in the next chapter

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