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When three new robo mechs arrive, scrappy young academy custodian stanford is determined to bond with them and prove hes worthy of becoming a pilot along the way he finds himself making friends with his enemies.


y,n pov

as i was walking down the hallway to go bother stanford, i was stopped by olivia one of my friends she told me that commander park said to come by his office later that day to speak to him about something important. I told her i would drop by when i get the chance and walked off to find stanford . "that stupid mop boy, who does he think he is punching me in the middle of the hallway f*ck it was so embarrassing  ,i'll be sure to give him a piece of my mind" i spotted him with his bike about to go out side with ava , ava was friends with stanford to but i never said anything about it , it wasn't my place to tell her to who hang out with. She invited me to go with her and stanford a few minutes after he punched me so i decided not to go i wouldnt want her to get mad at me if i pushed stanford out of his bike. "typical, this is why he doesnt have a dad stupid bitch i'll make him pay for this." i spoke loudly Were the hell do you think you're going!! he looked at me with a scared expression on his face and quickly left with his bike and a few seconds i saw ava following him. i decided to let him go for now and went to the commanders office.

knock knock commander park?its y,n i was told you wanted to speak with me? i called from the other side of the door come in... i went inside and closed the door behined me sir? i said as i sat down on a chair infront of him  y,n your here good i would like to talk about you and olivia i was told from sergeant stanchie that three robos are coming soon i just wanted to make sure that you and olivia do your best out there no more time to play around i know you go around making fun of people but y,n i really need you to put your head in the game now, this cuold be your only chance to get a robo and i dont want either of you to blow it . "mr.park i assure you i will do my greatest and make sure i get a robo" -and? "and i'll stop bullying people" -good i wouldn't want my second star student to make a bad name of yourself infront of the supervisors and robos. also i've been meaning to ask you IF you didnt get a robo what would you want to do? "well nothing i guess if i wasn't chosen then there might be a good reason " -ok but IF there was another robo would you take the chance? "....sir? is there something you want to tell me" -well i've been thinking that you would be a good pilot for a little something ive been working on he handed me a folder named hero force there everything you  need to know hero force is a robot i've been working on for a while now i was wondering if you could be my test trier. "with all do respect sir i dicline as i said before if i wasn't chosen there is a good reason ,though i would assume you didn't tell your dauther yet may i ask why?" -i needed to make sure i could chose someone to try as for olivia i will wait and see if shes really desprate for a robo then i will tell her..that is it for now i will trust you to keep this secret y,n can you keep this secret between us? "yes commander park" -Good now lets go to your class i wouldn't want you to be late. "right"

as we make our way to my class i see stanford around the corner he looked at me with a scared look he backed up a bit a was about to walk towards him but commander park hit me with his elbow on my rib and motions me to head in class i glance back at stanford and glare and mouth youre lucky this time mop boy before i head inside he looked stuned by the fact i didnt do anything.

when we came in the room i when to oliva as we standed 

Attention on deck. trainees,today's selection will be scored and you will be ranked.the robos will be evaluating your performance and the they will choose one of you to bond with.those three will graduate to cadets. sergeant said

let me be clear,right here right now this is no game commander park said looking at us.

(after speach)

commander park olivia and i come out side -you better focus, olivia.this is everything we worked for it's been over a year since any new robos arrived. i dont know when or if there will ever be any more.this is your last chance to become a pilot. dont disappoint me. Mr.park said before leaving ..."why am i here shouldnt this be a family conversation? i said jokingly trying to lift up olivias mood chuckles you're basically family already y,n...olivia said 

we turn to the side to she stanford there "was he watching the whole time" hey!mind your own business, mop boy olivia said as she threw her drink onto his robot and went inside "so how does it feel to be a pathetic mop boy ,huh stanford i said as i got closer he backed up but didn't answer huh?what happened to the high and mighty stanford a few hours ago ? pathetic you'll NEVER be a pilot so why dont you stick with cleaning  mop boy i said as i kicked him on the floor you really are useless aren't you i said with a smirk before coming inside the class and don't think i let you off the hook yet.

(when the selection starts outside)

when we went outside i was on the left side of olivia out off the corner on my eye i saw a trainee come up "thats odd we all left at the same time why are they late?" i was watching them until there mask lifted up Stanford!?! i was gonna leave it but olivia had other plans what are you doing mop boy? sir,hes not a trainee! take that off they but start pushing each other until olivia trew him to the ground you shouldnt be in the exosuit they're for pilots only!! your not a pilot either "ok its getting out off hand me maya and frank pull her away and i grabbed her wrist to go back in our positions 

(after competitions)

oliva made it first i made it second maya third and frank fourth the final rankings are olivetti fourth,sanchez third,(tanaka) second, and park first these are our finest candidates. please select whom you would want to bond with 

a red robo kneels in front of maya ,a green one to frank there was on left a yellow one it came up to me and kneeled i got it?? yeah!!i grined im calling you (r,n)!!! everyone cheered  welcome,our newest cadets commander park said with a dissapointed tone and left look liv i got one i ran to her and huged her yeah thats great y,n you deserve it "i know this is what you wanted but there's always a chance you get what your looking for" thanks liv...

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