Liên & Ji-ah

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"Hey shut up" Lana shouted at Hannah as she punched her arm.
"What? I'm only saying that he looked he wanted to fuck the shit out of you"
"That's exactly why you need to shut up" she punched her again. "Why would I fuck a guy?"
"I thought he was your type." Emily joined the chat.
"Pffft no way I'm bringing that asshole in my bed"

I blowed my puff of smoke out while smiling listening to them. This is how they usually are, having bloody fights over who to bang in the night.

"Ohhh fuck I need to go" Hannah stood up.
"I have detention and if I'm not present my parents will take my phone away"
"SHIT IT'S TUESDAY?" I started packing my stuff hurriedly.
"Yeah, why?" Emily asked confused.
"I have to go to the orphanage" I shouted while picking my bag up and walking to the edge of the roof.
"Ahhh good luck girl" Emily responded.
"I need that, I'm 30 minutes late already" I laughed at myself. It's not like I give a flying fuck about that shithole buy my officer does. "Bye guys!"


I stubbed my cigarette in front of the building why sighing.
"Let's get this over with"
I stepped into the gloomy building, already wanting to leave.

"Oh welcome!" One of the nannies, Anastasia waved at me smiling.
"Hi! Need help?" I said examining the situation she was in. One of the girls braiding her hair while another one wanted to countinue her make up. All while she was pulling two arguing boys away from each other.

"Ermm we are just low on staff you see" she smiled at me sympathetically. How can every worker here smile so effortlessly. "But now that you're here, you could help with arts and crafts"

Okay it's settled.
No no no no no no no no anything but that. Imagining 20 kids with glue and sparkle near me is giving me the ick.

"Isn't there something else you need help with?" I asked hoping the gods will decide to love me today.
"Actualy no, everyone will be doing arts and crafts now." Again with that friendly smile. It's getting creepy at this point.

Well no wonder the gods hate me, otherwise I would still hang out with my friends not be here.

It can't be that bad right?

I walked up to the table she told me to, only to notice that the waaay too friendly girl were already sitting there.
"Hey-Hey" she said smiling at me.
"Hey" I sat down awkwardly.
"We are making decorations to the hallway today" one of the little kids said. "The best one gets the best place."
"Oh I see" I said not wanting to continue the conversation.
"The best place is just in front of the door. EVERYONE will see your drawing."
"Oh that sounds good" I still were hoping she would shut up but of course I was wrong.
"So I'll make the best painting a human ever saw, it'll have LOTS OF glitters on it."
"Wow, I'm sure you'll win"
"Well it's up to you" the kind girl whose name I forgot interrupted. "Always the new ones choose"
"Am I the newest?"
"Yeah, you or the one month old babies sooo..." she smiled with her eyes closed. "You seem like the best option"
I swear to god everyone in this place has so genuine-looking fake smiles it's creepy. Do they teach it at nanny-school? Or is it the moldy smeel of this place?

"Hey Ji-ah can you come for a minute?"
"Of course!" She jumped up, leaving me alone.
When I got back to my painting, a voice sounded next to me.
"OMG you have piercings??" a 10 year old looking girl asked shocked.
"Ahh yeah" I said internally touching them. "I pierced them myself."
"WHAT?" She couldn't breathe at this point. "Can you pierce mine too?"
"Ermm...I...erm... sure?" What was I supposed to say to that?
I can NOT pierce a kid's ears without their parents consent or I will be fired.
Their nanny's consent.

She was already looking for something to pierce her ears with.
"You should ask one of your nannies first" I said with an awkard smile and turned to the table again, this cat won't paint itself further.

"Aaaaa can I touch your hair?" Another kid spoke behind me.
"Can you not?" I said.
"Is that your real hair or a wig?"
"Can you paint my hair too?"
"Does it hurt to have earrings??"
"Arr those tattoos? How many do you have?"

Maybe I should give up on this cat.
Let's face it, it doesn't look like something that wants to be painted.
I would rather not paint something that doesn't want to be painted.

I stood up from the desk- for the sake of the cat-and blurted a "I will go and have some water" to one of the nannies, who nodded and I stormed out of the room.


Technically I didn't lie. I drank a cup of water. It's just a coincidence that right now I'm outside at the cold fall afternoon.
Smoking a cigarette.
My second actually.
This job will kill me.

"I thought you went out to drink" i heard a voice behind me.
"And I thought you were helping out one of the nannies"
She sat down next to me when I dropped my cig.

"I was, but then I realised that you took waaay too long for a drink and found out you lied."
"I did drank a glass of water" I corrected her and she just scoffed.

"What are you doing at a nursery home if you hate children?"
"That's what I'm asking myself every morning looking in the mirror" I said as I was about to light a new cig.
She took my cigarette and I looked at her confused.

"How many have you smoked since you were outside?"
"It's none of your business?" I said trying to get it back. It was my last one.
I gave up and sighed.
"My second"
"Ohhh you liar" she laughed and threw it away.
"HEY IT WAS MY LAST ONE" I said and jumped up to find it.
I started walking towards the spot she threw it, when she pushed something inside my hand.

It was a bracelet.
It was colourful, the colours not matching, obviously made by children.

I looked at her confused.
"It was nanny Steph's idea" she smiled at me. "Friendship bracelets between nannies."


She made the bracelet herself? I thought she wanted to flex with her bracelet one of the kid's made for her or something but she made it for me?

"Let me guess. Now I have to make one for you too." I said with a smug look, to which she just smiled at me. It's giving me chills.
"If you want to, I don't force anything." She said standing up. "It was just a nice gesture."
She turned towards the door.

"Ermm..." I let out mindlessly.
She turned back, but I couldn't say anything.

She just turned back. And after a while she spoke up.
"Look, I'm really not forcing anything, but, if I were you I would think this place through. It may look like a task which you have to 'get over with' to you but these kids live here. Their only happiness comes from playing, befriending people and these creative-hobbies. If you think you won't be able to talk to them or at least endure this, I think you should leave. Before they will get attached to you." Then she left without one more word.

I was shocked. I have never thought I would hear this from her.
I don't know what was more upsetting.
Her telling me all this stuff
Or me knowing at the bottom of my heart that she was right.

Of course the first one, she threw my cigarette away.

I looked down at my hand and saw the bracelet in it. Then looked at the building in front of me.
"Did I make the right decision?"

I sighed and put the jewellery in my pocket, walking inside.

I will show this bitch that I can do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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