Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

15th August

Today was the day. The day I meet Niki, Sammy and Sam. Honestly I don't think I've ever been as excited yet as nervous as this. What if its awkward? What if they don't like me?

Maddie and I had arranged to meet at the train station at 11am, in time to meet the boys at 11:30. My hands shook as I tied up the clasp of my necklace. It was a family heirloom from my Gran, as it was her grans previously. A tarnished metal with a sky blue gemstone on the inside. I loved it a lot- it matches my eyes.

Slipping on my converse, I headed out the door and made my way to the train station. I arrived at 10:49 so I just sat and played around on my phone for a bit. I could hardly keep still I was so excited. I tapped my foot, impatiently waiting for Maddie's arrival. She finally made her appearance at 11:13, two minutes before the train arrived.

"Lucky" I said to her, "I nearly went without you."

"You would not" She smirked "You couldn't handle your nerves by yourself!" I smiled jokingly, but then realized that she was totally right. What if I get so nervous I hardly speak to them the whole day? What if I get so awkward they end up cutting the day short? I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. This day was going to be perfect, no doubt about it. I hope.

We sat down on the train, trying to get comfortable on the rigid upright chairs. The train ride was supposedly short but we got delayed by a few minutes which racked up my nerves even more. I applied a little makeup whilst waiting for the train to arrive the destination. "This is it!" Maddie squeezed my arm excitedly as I smiled nervously. The butterflies kept on swirling in my stomach but I tried my best to ignore them. We'd had planned to meet in Starbucks at 11:30 and then go and grab some lunch, hang out and then go back to Niki and Sammy's to film a video. It is such an amazing opportunity and I truly believe that this would change my life forever.

We both walked out of the train and headed for the nearest Starbucks from the station which is where we arranged to meet. I felt my heart leaping out of my chest, beating faster than a hummingbird. I'm surprised no one else heard it to be honest, it was beating so loud. Maddie grabbed my arm reassuringly, "you'll be fine" she said to me, "they'll absolutely love you and you'll love them back. Then we'll all have such a great time and it will be the best day of your life. Simple!" She explained as the twinkle in her eye shone through the excitement. Glancing into the large window at the font of the shop, I saw three very familiar faces and the butterflies swarmed in the depth of my stomach. Nerves racked my small frame but I was determined to be brave. It wasn't that I was scared of meeting them, I was scared of messing everything up.

Maddie glanced at me quickly as she pushed open the handle of the coffee shop, and the aroma of the ground beans filled my nose. The warmth of the store eased my nerves slightly as I saw the three boys that I was not used to seeing in person sat round a table and drinking coffees.  I didn't know if they remembered what we looked like or not, we weren't in our video we made but we tweet them often and there are pictures of myself on there. The sound of the door opening and the gust of wind caused them all to look up and smile at us fondly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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Once in a Lifetime | Niki and Sammy Albon | nikinsammy | HonestlyMe09Where stories live. Discover now