Part 1- What if seeking revenge ultimately leads you to your doom.

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Selen's eyes were shrouded by a heavy black cloud that grayed out her vision. Selen began to thrash and resist her kidnappers. She pushed and shoved for her life. Then, Selen started to feel a pulsing, whooshing sound in her ears. The pain shot up her arm like electricity. She cringed. It exploded in her head, causing her to feel lightheaded. Selen felt her neck muscles strain, as her head arched back in the path of a downhill spiral, only seeing black.

Unaware of how long she has been unconscious, Selen ached, her fingers clenched and unclenched, trying to get some feeling in them. She peeled herself off the cold, damp floor, with her hands in a bowtie knot. Her body felt heavy. Her throat felt as if she was drowning in the sands of the Sahara desert. Letting her fingers roam around, she felt nothing but pain, as she moved her body. Not knowing what was to come, made her heartbeat speed up. A surge of aching pain was pounding throughout her head once again. Terror sucked the very breath from her lungs, as she heard the men speak.

"We fucked up."

"You, you mean; you were the one driving the car."

"It was your bright idea to crash into the front door."

"Aye, but you're the dumbass that went with it."

"She had that house wired to explode. I wasn't going to die over this bitch."

"Yeah, she was planning on going out with a bang."

"It was an innovative idea, we caught her by surprise."

"He said to bring her back in one piece!!"

"She's fine, she's still pretty; plus, he won't be too mad, it is Mr. Maglio. This girl is as good as dead."

"She's safe for now, Mr. Maglio wants to ask her some questions."

"After the boss is done with his questioning, anyone can have her."

"Some of the women are not interesting enough to make it," he chuckled.

"Bro, she's pretty strong, I hope she does make it. I want to try some of that juicy pussy before... you know."

Selen heard both men cackling like hyenas.

"I hope she is not a screamer like the last few bitches. I'll rip her tongue out."

Selen heard the men leave the room. The color drained from her face. These men were laughing about using her body. She moved herself to an upright position, feeling the pain coursing throughout her body. Her mouth felt dry and sticky with thick salivating blood inside, a moan escaped her pierced body.

'Fuck, Selen. Why didn't you notice them?' she asked herself.

Thinking back to the chain of events, the fools crashed through her front door. That is right, she had thought. There was a giant gaping hole in the front of her house. Selen would have banged her head against the wall, if she was not already in pain. Selen had messed up. She was so tired of running. Selen felt she was ready for death; she knew she would not keep her promise to her father about finding her mother. She has wanted to be with him for a long time now. Her death would be horrible. She knew she heard the stories about Mr. Maglio. She knew that she would be dead soon. Lost in thought, she was unsure how much time had passed. She heard the roaring of hyenas again coming towards her.

"Do you think she's alive?

"Not sure."

The unknown person got close to her, Selen thrashing her bound hands and legs against him. She felt a hand pressed on her neck, and tried to pry the fingers away, but she lost consciousness.

"Get her legs," she heard someone hiss.

He sounded older once up close to her. Selen wasn't sure, her mind was racing. Selen was hoisted in the air. It felt like she was being draped over someone's shoulder like a towel. She knew she was being carried, but she could not tell where. No matter how good of a fighter Selen was, Selen could not withstand many assailants. Thrown on her back onto a bed, she screamed as the pain jolted throughout her body; her mouth opened wide, gasping for air. She felt the cloth stuffed in her mouth; cheeks were filled to the brim. She thought her mouth would burst open; the tape was applied around her mouth so she couldn't push out her gag.

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