Chapter 5

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The growl of a motorcycle slowly comes to a halt in front of a gray and dingy apartment complex. "This the place?" JT turned his head and asked. 

Tara took off the motorcycle helmet and answered. "Sure is. In all its glory. It's the best I can get for now at least." 

"You know they're hiring at my job right? Start you out with some decent pay at fifteen an hour." JT replied with a coy smile. 

"And how many women work at your job?" Tara crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, you got me there." JT shrugged after getting off the bike. "Plus the work itself does kinda suck. Tight spaces up high in the air and getting covered in dust, fiberglass, and mastic. All my work shirts are covered in that shit." 

"Mhm. Exactly. I think I'd rather not." Tara replied in a sassy tone.

"Thought I would make the offer." JT said as he lit a cigarette and offered Tara one who accepted the offer. "Don't think you wanna get that stuff in your hair either. Speaking of which, I'm due for one." JT added as he ran his fingers through his hair. It wasn't long per say, but it was long enough for it to get in the way. 

"I don't know, I kinda like it that length." Tara took a drag of her smoke. 

"You do?" JT exhaled smoke before adding, "It gets in the way and usually gets mastic in it. That stuff dries, you'll never get it out. Same with beards. I'm also due for a trim in that department too." JT rubbed his short beard. It was getting a little long and scraggly for his liking. He usually kept it clean, but full and sharp.

"The beard, yeah, but your hair? It seems fine to me. Tell you what, you get it cut and show me and I'll tell you what I think." 

"And just how am I gonna show you? Walk right up to your doorstep?" JT leaned against his bike, taking a drag of his smoke.

"Or I could give you my number?" Tara shrugged coyly.

"I like that idea better." JT shot her a smirk as the two began to exchanged numbers.

"Well, I had fun tonight." Tara said as she tossed her smoke aside. The cherry at the end of it exploding in sparks on the sidewalk. "It was good to forget and just live a little." Tara hugged JT and added "Thank you, JT."

He hugged her back. "I'm glad you did. I had fun too. A night to remember I think."

"Now you're just getting cheesy on me." Tara giggled. "But no, it was fun. Thank you. Text me when you get home?"

JT nodded and smiled. "Sure thing. Have a goodnight, Tara."

Tara waved before turning around and entered the apartment complex. JT hopped back on his bike and looked at the helmet. He stared at the 'Certified Broom Pusher' sticker and laughed to himself before putting the helmet on and revved his bike up and started down the road.

JT pulled up to a red light and was waiting patiently when another motorcyclist pulled up next to him, wearing a helmet like his, but on a sports bike. Judging from the looks of it, it was a Susuki GSXR. A good competitor for JT's Honda. The two looked at each other and then the Susuki rider revved his bike as an invitation for a race. The growl from it was higher and sounded more like a squeal. JT revved his twice as an acceptation to the race. The two looked forward and waited for the greenlight.

Go. The two sped off. JT's bike growled like an angry, bloodthirsty demon bursting from the depths of hell. He was barely giving it gas. The Susuki rider caught up next to him and they looked at each other. The Susuki rider signaled he was just about full throttle. JT signaled him to give it all he had, when the Susuki rider did, he went ahead of JT. Giving it a minute, JT then went full throttle. The growl of it was angrier, like the demon within his bike set its gaze on some poor defenseless prey and he zoomed past the Susuki rider, leaving him far back in his dust. JT decided to show off and popped a wheelie while going full throttle and held it for a few minutes, then he set his front wheel back down and kept going.

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