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Dedicated to Beanieroser3

I always say, that I am ok.

I always smile, instead of frown.

Because I don't want to hurt the people around.

I know what they really think,

They think I'm fat, and I should bleed down the sink.

To etch into my skin,

Another name another word, they don't have to repeat them, they are already heard.

You honestly don't know,

You really can't say you follow.

You don't know my pain.

You don't know that I have daily battles.

To stop from cutting and carving in my skin.

Your mind is tearing you up,

One day you will have enough.

You wills mile,

Knowing that it'll all end.

You'll say goodbye and I love you to your friends.

They will think your just going home.

But what they don't know is you'll never return.

I dedicated this to Beanieroser3 because I keep forget to dedicate the people who constantly vote for this book. Thank you all.
Until next time c u l8tr MARZ_041002

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