November 16, 2023

51 9 9

Ranboo stepped out of their cab and saw Tommy waiting for them at the Sunship couple's house.

"Morning, sarge." Tommy greeted them.

"I already told you, don't call me that." Ranboo grumbled, going up to the door and knocking.

"Exactly." Tommy said with a smirk.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, dipshi-" The door opened when Ranboo was about to finish their sentence.

The door revealed a girl with pale skin, light pink hair, sweatpants, and a purple oversized sweater.

"Ran?! You're back in the UK?! Welcome back!" Guqqie said, pulling Ranboo in a hug.

Quickly returning it, Ranboo pulled away.

"We need to enter your house for evidence where Aimsey Sunship may be going, may we come in?" Tommy asked, showing Guqqie his badge.

"Oh! Of course, would you like some coffee? Tea? Water?" Guqqie offered as the 2 stepped inside.

"Water would be nice." Ranboo smiled as Guqqie went to get the 2 some.

"So, what do you need to check? I just want Aimee back." Guqqie said with a hint of desprateness in her eyes as she handed the 2 water.

"Everything. Their whole room, to be exact." Tommy told the pinkette.

"Alright, come on." Guqqie went upstairs, showing Tommy and Ranboo Aimsey's office.

Aimsey's office had random posters, a lot of Taylor Swift ones, actually, pride flags, a laundry basket in the corner, a bed in another corner, and finally, their computer.

"Usually, Aimee would be in our room, but she's been caught up with work the week she disappeared, so she usually spent time here." Guqqie explained as Ranboo and Tommy went looking around in Aimsey's office.

Suddenly, Aimsey's computer caught Ranboo's eye.

"Do you know their password?" Ranboo asked, taking a seat in the office chair in front of the computer.

"No.. She recently changed it since one of her little cousins got onto it and almost deleted her videos." Guqqie stated as Ranboo turned on the computer.

Ranboo chuckled at the wallpaper.

It was Aimsey and Guqqie's wedding photo.

Guqqie wore a flowy silky sleeveless dress that touched the ground, the skirt covered with lace and patterns of flowers.

Her veil was off, covering half of her back and the whole back of her hair with pink flowers in the lace.

Aimsey had on a suit.

It was the suit that Ranboo and her friend Bill helped pick out.

A white button-up with a gorgeous royal blue vest, one of the pockets holding a beautiful red rose.

Ranboo went to put in the password, thinking it wouldn't be that hard.


Incorrect password


Incorrect passsword


Incorrect password


Incorrect password

"Damnit.." Tommy said under his breath, watching Ranboo trying to get in the computer.

"Does she have a favorite vacation? Favorite place?" Ranboo asked, turning to Guqqie.

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