Chapter 1.

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December 2022

I shiver from the cold wind blowing right through my hair when I open the entrance door to the lecture hall. Even though, it is cold outside the window is open and everyone in the room seem to be okay with that. I look at all the students still gathering in here for the lecture by the successful architect that is paid to provide university students with one lecture on architecture today as a guest. He became famous years ago and started being on every architecture student mouth since then. 

I have only seen this man on newspapers and business magazines, but never read on his work. Maybe I wasn't that interested in architecture and all the stuff that comes with it until my professor signed me up to write a paper on architecture of New York City on which my final grade for the course will depend on. Even though the lecture is of interest for only architecture students, there are students who came here just to see the man.

His name is Liam Hemmings. He is probably in his late twenties. At least that is what I assumed from the pictures of him I saw on magazines. Just like other female students gathered here in order to see him, I also find this man extremely attractive. Because he is. But I obviously didn't come here just to see him like all those girls that are watching his pictures on their phones and discuss his love life.

The professor from the architecture department comes in the lecture hall and passes by me putting his things on the table. I recognize him from the class that my good friend Lily's taking. She studies architecture, however, today she could not come to the lecture because of some family emergency.

"Shall you take a seat?" He says from behind me, and I realize he's directing his question to me. I turn around to look at him and nod.

I make my way up the stairs and sit on the first vacant place I see on my way. I open my bag and pull out my MacBook and journal. I switch my laptop on and open the word document where I'm making all the notes for the paper I'm writing. But most importantly, I take my journal and write the phrase that's been on my mind for the whole day, but I did not have time at all to write it down.

I always do that. I write my thoughts, random phrases or quotes that come to my mind, so that I do not forget to include them in the novel I am writing. I love writing. This is exactly why I am studying Journalism. One day I aspire to be a best-selling author telling beautiful stories that people enjoy. Now I'm working on my novel that I called "This is me trying" about a girl who tries to be good for other people but herself and loses every part of herself on the way, and a boy who breaks her heart because she always comes back to him. It is about a girl who is trying to overcome her need to please other people and save herself from her own self.

"I have never been good enough for myself, but I never tried to be."- This is me trying.

I write down in my journal, and then hear professor speak, but keep my journal opened to write more.

"I believe it is time to start, so please, everyone, take a seat, and we shall start." Says the professor.

When everyone is seated, the professor continues.

"It is my pleasure to welcome mister Hemmings in our university." He says putting off his grasses. "He will tell you about his journey to success. He will provide you with helpful tips and tricks how to get through your studies. Most importantly, he will talk about his experience in the field. You are free to ask him as many questions as you have, but make sure it all fits in the one and a half hours we have. So, without further ado, let's welcome mister Hemmings." Says the professor shoving his hand in my direction.

My heart skips a beat, and it feels like it drops right to my feet when everyone turns around to look in my direction, but I immediately breathe out the breath I've been holding for these few seconds when I hear the movement behind me. I turn around to see that Liam Hemmings was sitting right behind me all this time. I wonder how I didn't notice him sitting there when I was climbing up the stairs to find a seat for myself. And I wonder how no one noticed his presence in the lecture hall all this time.

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