My heart

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In a realm where shadows softly weave,

A tale of love, profound and brave,

A gumiho's heart, both fierce and kind,

In love's sweet tendrils, became entwined.

A creature born of ancient lore,

Nine-tailed fox with powers galore,

Yet in her eyes, a longing gleam,

To be human, to chase a dream.

Her heart, a canvas painted with emotion,

Yearning for a mortal's devotion,

A human's touch, a gentle grace,

To be seen as more than a mystical face.

With each moon's rise and sun's descent,

Her love for a mortal soul was sent,

He, a being of fragile years,

Unaware of her hidden fears.

Their meetings secret, twilight's embrace,

Love blossoming in a hidden space,

But destiny's hand, both cruel and fair,

Demanded a price, a weight to bear.

To become human, the gumiho must,

Pay a sacrifice, in love and trust,

A soul's deep bond, the price to pay,

For a chance to walk in the light of day.

She looked into his eyes, tears unspoken,

Heart heavy with the choice unbroken,

To save him, she'd embrace the pain,

Her love, a sacrifice, not in vain.

With a trembling heart, she held his hand,

Whispered words of love, like grains of sand,

"I'll become human, though it hurts so,

For our love to flourish, I'll let you go."

A ritual performed, the gumiho's form changed,

Human now, but love estranged,

The price of humanity, a heavy toll,

A love once vibrant, now a fractured soul.

He looked into her eyes, now human and frail,

His heart heavy with a bittersweet tale,

"I wished for your happiness, my dear,

But now you're distant, and I'm gripped by fear."

Two souls entwined, now torn apart,

A sacrifice made, a fractured heart,

Love's beauty marred by destiny's twist,

A gumiho's choice, a love dismissed.

Yet in the depths of twilight's embrace,

Their love lives on, leaving a trace,

Of a gumiho's sacrifice, pure and true,

A love story that forever will renew.

So let this tale of love's sweet pain,

Echo through the winds and rain,

A gumiho's heart, forever aflame,

In the tapestry of love's eternal game.

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