
He is a hurricane.   He is a ray of light.
He blooms wild and shines bright.

He is a lighting bolt. He is crisp morning air.
He is everything and everywhere.

-a.b. (Modified)


I I I..... Dedicated To My Boy.


The burning hot liquid escapes out of the crevices of his eyes as he wills himself not to break down in the middle of a deathly silent crowd. He grips his hands tighter together resting them in his lap, covered in coal black material. He can feel the clamminess of them as he tries to wipe them on his pants rocking back and forth in his stone cold seat that sends shivers down his spine as the music is finally lowered and the priest takes his spot at the front of the crowd.

Niall takes his hand in his own slightly turning his head towards him to give him a sympathetic look with his sad cold eyes. The eyes that look so dead inside surrounded by red puffy skin around them almost resembling his own, but his are still filled with tears that he doesn't think will ever stop.

They're sitting in a field that is slightly overgrown but covered in the most spectacularly gorgeous flowers. If he tries to look past the saltiness that fills his eyes he can see the sparks of red, yellow and white that fill the fields as far as the horizon, the wind gently swaying them side to side like graceful ballet dancers.

Amongst the rows of cold wooden seats are small pots of beautiful buttercups and lilies he chose out for him bringing the life thats so desperately needed into the setting.

Filling the rows are people of all kind that are gathered all grieving the same light. His and his own families amongst the body's sitting directly behind him apart from both of their mums which were sitting to the left of him tightly holding onto each other as tears flow down there faces, while Niall, Liam and Zayn sat to his left all with the same faces of pure pain and gut wrenching sadness as his own, all being connecting by their arms around each others back hugging and clinging to each other closely as they looked forward to where his boy was sleeping peacefully up front.

He can hear the silent cries of people he doesn't even know but still decided the show up at least showing respect to the person that could just light up a room with just his smile or laugh. He can still see the beautifully gorgeous ocean blue eyes that held so much life, that Harry sometimes thought held all the answers to his soul when he stared deep into them sometimes getting lost in their overall beauty. The fluffy brown hair he could just run his fingers through all day and feel like the luckiest human to ever exist because he was holding on closely to his boy and would never let go. And don't ever get him started on the over exaggerated sassiness in the boy that could just make anyone fall in love with him.

And of course it did, he fell in love with him but now he was gone and Harry didn't know what to do other then sit and stare blankly with no emotion but the few tears that actually escaped and feel the hot mess of a liquid slowly slide down his now forever cold face until the next one came along but he could do nothing about it.

And so as as the priest started with his first words he tried his hardest to contain the fountain that was ready to over flow in the blink of an eye.

"Today we are all here as a family to celebrate the life of one of the strongest people you know Louis William Tomlinson".

But you see Harry was never good as holding his emotions. Just ask Louis.


The next one will be a bit longer, just wanted you guys to get a feel of the story so here it is chapter 1 !!

Hope you enjoyed :)

Have an incredible week and a lovely day Xxxx


Just let me go, we'll meet again soon//LSWhere stories live. Discover now