I hate you. 🥀

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in this oneshot kyle and cartman are best friends kyle is short tempered and cartman is calm not really
thats all continue!

cartmans pov:

i walked to school cuz the damn bus driver is dead how tragic i finally got to school after what felt like hours i got in class
"Eric Your Late! go to detention along with kyle" i just got here..
i ran to detention with kyle just to see no one there me and kahl got inside and waited

a few hours latah

"Where the fuck is the damn principal?!" kyle yelled out
"kahl calm down" i tried to calm him down
"CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN MY FUCKING ASS!" kyle then slapped me and kicked me in the stomach i burst out into tears

third person view:

kyle realized what he did and tried to get close to cartman and tried to apologize cartman landed on a wall his legs was shaking he got on his kneed and fainted cartman is sensitive whenever someone hurts him he faints kyle carried cartman and ran to the nurses office
"Please lay eric down" kyle did as the nurse said the nurse started checking cartmans health
"he is completely fine he is just sensitive he will wake up after a few hours" the nurse smiled kyle was worried he walked to class alone
"Hey is your detention done? if its not go back to the office Mkay?"
"my time is done." kyle responded
"Whuutt?" Mr garrison said teasing kyle
kyle was annoyed his hand became fists of rage
"For cussing Go back now. Mkay"  kyle just gave him the middle finger while walking out the class he wnt to go check on cartman which is awake "Cartman how are you are you okay" kyle asked worriedly
when cartman saw him his eyes widened in fear he burst out in tears again
"please dont hurt me..." cartman asked in fear
kyles eye widened in shock

Kyles pov"
Cartman.. is scared of me?.. my own bestfriend that i have known for 10 years.. is scared of me..
"i-im sorry cartman" i said while walking out of the office i went to a empty class room and cried

Cartmans pov:

i realized that kahl was gone where he slapped me hurts.. it stings.. "Oh dear you're awake! you can now leave the office" the nurse smiled i just nodded walking out the office i heard silent crys coming out of a classroom i opened the door of the classroom just to see kahl crying i just closed the door i put a bandage on my cheek and went to the classroom snd got on my seat

a few minutes later

kahl walked in the classroom and sat beside me i ignored him

A few minutes later

the bell rang well tim to go home but then kahl grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a empty classroom closing the door
"What do you want." i asked him
"i-im sorry please forgive me for what i did.. im begging you.." he bursted out in tears
i got close to him and bent on one knee
"kyle i could've been possibly hurt. you think a damn apology would fix it?." kyle looked up to me as his eyes widened
"y-you never said my name right? before.."

"yes but thing have changed now kyle" i removed my frienship bracelet that i made with him 6 years ago and threw it on the ground kahl was crying so much his nose started running
"never talk to me ever again kahl. i. hate you" i shouted as i walked out of the classroom

—————————————————— this kinda made me cry throughout making it Jk i hope you enjoyed reading this onee!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Kyman OneShots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora