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• Another Week Later•

(Face it, there loves arent THAT interesting...)

Autumns POV

Last week, Trevor and I got in a hige fight.

I caught him with Violet again...


Where the hell did I put my phone?!

I think back, and last night, me and Trevor watched movies im his room.

Its im his room then.

I head to his room, and walk in.

What I saw, shocked the fuck out of me.

They havent even noticed me.

"SAM! CHLOE! WHY ARE YOI HAVING SEX IN TREVORS ROOM!!!" I yell, covering my eyes.

I spotted my phone, I quickly grab it and ran out.

(Haha you thought it was Trevor and Violet)

I decided to head to Taco Bell to clear my mind of that.

I walked there, it was pretty close.

I walked on to find Trevor and Violet scking faces.

And Trevor was kissing back.

Again, I walk into a food place, and find THEM!

•Later That Day•

"Trevor! Why the hell were you kissing back then?!"I yell.

"You know what! I thought of you! Atleast let tha aink in!" He yells.

We were home alone, so noone could here our fight.

"You have cheated on me twice! Im sick of it! Were over Trevor, be happy woth your little slut" I say, and walk out.

Flashback Over•

I wasnt expection to see Chloe and Sam sucking faces naked and um, yea, ahvong sex...

But they did.

And they got really embarrassed.

But, noone knows about Trevor cheating and our breakup.

I hope to keep it that aay. Noone needs to be in our damn life.

(haha Im still proud of making that twost [which isnt the big twist] in the flashback)

Me and Trevor havent spoke sonce then.

And guess what I found out? Hes dating that slut.

And guess what also? Thats was Violet he broke up with, that loves next door, who cheatsd on him, and Jc said she was a slut.

And he was right.

I mean jesus fucking christ, put on actual chlothes. Not clothes from the baby isle.

And also I found out, Chloe was actually an old friend of mine.

She lived in Texas, but moved to New York when she was 12.

And when she turns 18, which is next week, she gets to tour Australia.

That lucky bitch. Jkjk. But she is lucky.

She said she might persuade Jc if I can go with her. (omg that took forever to learn how to spell persuade...)

Now, shes the hero. I can get away from... him.

Ok, and everything else.

Plus, we are off of school next week.

Well, I can just say it was a week long home school feild trip.

Nah, shes leaving for a month.

Ooh, maybe we will find 5sos.

We are kinda obssesed with them... oops.

And I think Trevor is close to moving out.

But actually, he seems really happy woth Violet.

I guess Trautumn, whatever it is, just wasnt meant to be.

(Or maybe they will her back together... or maybe Hayes will find her... Or maybe shell be normal and find a new cute boy... Or maybe Im saying to much...)

"JC!!!!" I yell in his ear.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He yells, falling out of his chair, and dropping his fork.

"Can I go sho- Hell no, I hayw shopping, can I go to Starbucks woth Connor, my coffee buddy?" I ask.

"Uh, sure" He hands me $20.

Well damn, coffee isnt that expensive.

"Connor, remember the suprise we have" I hear Kian whisper.

"Itll keep her away. Go with her" I hear Jc whisper.

I decided to leave it.

I havent explained how I took the break up, have I?

Well, I actually took ot pretty bad.

I ended up passing out, but noome found out.

Becuase they didnt mnow abput the break up, they werent home, and they never check up on me.

I cut my wrist and thighs. 22 times...

I know, I know, its bad.


After me and Connor ordered, I decided to tell him. Only because two reaons.

Reason One: Hes my best friend out of all pf them.

Reason Two: He asked.

We sat down and I decided to tell him.

"Okay, something bad mist have happened. You look really upset" He Says.

"Actually, I caught Trevor cheating 1 week ago, and he said she, as in our neighbor Violet, asked to talk and then flirted and kissed him. I beleived it, but then a few says ago, I caught Sam and Chloe, um, doing something in bed in Trevors room. I wanted to clear my mind and went to Taco Bell. Tahst when I caught Biolet and Trevor making out, again. But he was kissing back. And then that night, we had a fighg when everyone was gone, and I broke up woth him" I say.

"Well, you dont need a boy im your life!" He says, huggine me.

"Thanks Con" I say.


Once we got home, I noticed there were 5 extra guys...

As in, Carter Reynolds, Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, and Nash and Hayes Grier.


Ok itll continue in the next chapter because SOMEONE wanted an update Mkay. lol. Peace outttt. omg Im weird...

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