Ch. 2: If You Snooze, Carly Will Bother You

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*Kadence's P.OV.*

I wake up to someone shaking me gently. "Go away," I mumble into my pillow, groaning and rolling over. "Get up sleepy head!" Carly says cheerily. "Uhhhhhhhh, wha time is it?" I ask. "Ten thirty," she replies, still cheery. "Gimme five more hours," I mumble. She sighs exaggeratedly and leaves.

I try to find sleep, but its hiding from me. I run my brush through my hair and walk out of my bedroom. I walk into the kitchen, grabbing my plate, then I go sit in the living room where the other girls are watching My Little Pony on the HUB.

"Hey you guys know that saying 'you snooze you loose'? Well, in this house it's 'you snooze, Carly will bother you.'" The girls just roll their eyes. Carly pokes me in the thigh. I throw my toast at her.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Kaylyn asks, munching on her bacon. "I was thinking we could do a video," Kendall says between bites of a leftover cinnamon roll, "you know, to show our competition what we're made of." "Yeah, and we could do a behind the scenes video too," Kennedy pipes up. "We could even do a meet the band video," Kaylyn says. "What song are we gonna do?" Kennedy asks, two steps ahead of us. "Let's do that song Heart-Breaker! I already have my vision! Carly, call the Geek Squad, Kennedy make sure our Prep Team can be ready in twenty minutes. Kendall call our wardrobe girl. And Kaylyn I need you to send out a mass text to everybody to meet us at the boardwalk!" I yell, already super focused.

I run into my room and throw some clothes on. I renter the living room. "I'm driving this time," Kaylyn says picking up her keys. I crawl into the backseat of her car, seated between Kendall and Carly. "Step on it," I demand as we leave the parking lot.

In fifteen minutes, I'm seated in a chair at the boardwalk, getting my makeup done. The head of our geek squad, Eryn, is walking around taking shots for our behind the scenes video. "Your done," Kamie, our makeup artist, says handing me a mirror. "I look absolutely perfect! Thanks so much Kamie!"

Eryn comes by to take some shots of me. I pose and make a weird face. "That's Kadence for you," Kendall says sneaking up behind me. "OMG! You look so pretty like a unicorn pooped out your face!" I yell. "Uhmmm... Thanks?" She says. I make another weird face and walk off.

Three hours later... 

"I can't believe we got everything done so quickly," Carly says as we drive home. "When we get home you guys might wanna start getting ready. It's 1:30 right now and we have to be at the airport by 4:30. And Kadence you get first shower because you still haven't packed your carry on." Kendall says, being bossy as usual.

As we pull into the house, I jump out of the car and run into the house. I grab my toiletries and run into the bathroom. I turn the shower on, letting the hot water run rivulets down my body. I quickly washed my hair and body. Turning the water off, I grabbed my towel. I shivered as the cold air hit me. I dressed quickly, then dried my hair.

I packed quickly, not wanting to spend all of my time packing. I plop down on my bed and turned on my T.V. It's only 2:30. Ugh. I decide to check our YouTube channel. Our last video has 27,000,000 hits already. I smile at the screen. It's gonna be a boring two hours. I check my twitter. JC Caylen from life with JC tweeted me. 'What's up beautiful? @KadeyKat=^.^='. I sigh. He's so cute. 'Nuthin much gorgeous ;). Wbu?' I reply.

The flirting goes on until about 3:45 with me telling him I have to go to the airport. I haul my suitcase into the living room. "Somebody come help me with this stupid suitcase!" I yell. I drag the suitcase outside. The girls are already loading suitcases into the cars. "Who's riding with me? I ask. "I am," Kaylyn calls. She's already stuffing her suitcase into my trunk. I throw mine into the back seat of my new car.

"Let's stop and eat before we get to the airport." Kennedy says. I nod and throw my carry on into the back. I crawl into the front seat and turn the car on. Kaylyn locks the front door of the house then runs to the car. I pull out of the driveway, with Carly's big suburban following behind me. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask Kaylyn. "Jack in the Box," she replies.

I turn out of the neighborhood, turning to go to the restaurant. The girls follow us. I crank my radio, singing along to Heart Attack by Demi Lavato. I turn the car off as we pull into a parking space. We walk into the restaurant and order.

"When do you guys think the geek squad will have the videos up?" Kennedy asks. I take a long sip of my sweet tea. "I don't know," I shrug. "Speak of the devil," Kaylyn says, staring at her phone, "Eryn says he just uploaded the video." I clap my hands and grab my phone.

Meanwhile in London.... 


"She's so hot!" Niall says staring at his phone. We're watching the newest Wild Things behind the scenes video. Kadence's voice comes out of the screen telling Kendall it looked like a unicorn pooped out of her face. I laugh. "She's basically the girl version of Louis," I say. The boys and I are all huge fans of the Wild Things. Harry likes Kendall, Zayn likes Carly, Louis likes Kaylyn, I like Kennedy, and Niall likes Kadence, who has made her love for Niall very public. Kadence's voice again, "If you poke me one more time I'm gonna stab you in the eye with a spoon!" Kendall's laughter erupts from the screen.

"Uh-oh," Harry states from across the room. "What?" I ask. "Looks like Kadence and JC Caylen have been flirting back and forth on twitter." "Are you serious?" Niall asks. "Yup. And a bunch of their fans are saying that they're together," Zayn says, scanning his phone screen. "I can't believe it!" Niall exclaims. "Maybe if you had the balls to talk to her, you could've avoided this," Louis says from across the room. "We'll she's coming to London, right? And plus, Nathan's her cousin, so she'll probably be at the masquerade party next Friday. There's your chance," I tell him. "You're right." he says. "And when she gets here I'm going to make her mine," he says, a determined expression crossing his face.

AN: Ugh! Filler chapter, I know. I have serious writers block but next chapter the girls are on the airplane.

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