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October. 03. 2023.

"Oh my god!" The girls pounced on Kayano, congratulating her immediately. Karma nudged you. You nodded, letting go of his hand, and joined in with the group. Karma got up and went over to the guys who were shaking poor Nagisa.



"Hey," Isogai spoke up. "If Nagisa and Kayano are getting married... then?" He looked over at Karma. Slowly the class seemed to come to the realization that another couple was among them.

"You're getting married too?!" Kurahashi exclaimed excitedly, shaking you.

"You were toying with us!" Maehara yelled at Karma.

Sugino joined in. "Come on man, I thought we were friends, how could you lie to us like that!"

"We made them lie," Nagisa chuckled, as he defended Karma. "We wanted this to be a surprise, so yeah... you guys surprised?"

"ARE WE??"

"Ever the stealthy one," Karasuma huffed.

"I had no idea that the others didn't know," Irina told him. "I mean, weren't both couples pretty obvious? Karma and Y/N were literally just holding hands."

"And they say I'm dense."

July. 25. 2015.

Korosensei led the class down the mountain on what felt like the hottest day you'd ever been alive. You chatted with Kayano and Kanzaki, complaining about the heat, when Korosensei showed off what he was taking you all to.

"Your very own swimming hole! Compliments of moi!"

Everyone threw their coats away, jumping in. You looked back at Kayano as she stepped away from the splashes of water. "You can't swim, huh?"

"No worries!" Korosensei appeared with a floatie in hand, giving it to Kayano. "I came prepared!"

You helped Kayano into her little floatie and kept her company as she floated around. Eventually, she sighed. "Not to be ungrateful, but this is kinda sad. First of all, I can't even swim." She looked down at her body. "And something about this bathing suit makes me feel self conscious."

Before you could reassure her about anything, Okajima spoke up. "You got nothing to worry about babe." You looked over at him, eyebrows furrowing as you noticed his camera. "Take my word for it, plenty of people go for your body type."

If you had something to throw at him, you would've. Kayano huffed. "Gee thanks. And plenty of people wouldn't find it creepy that you're using a long range lens." As Okajima's camera went your way, Kayano was quick to submerse you further in the water by pushing your head down.

Soon though, with Korosensei's constant barraging, Okajima got his camera taken away. The class muttered about how overboard he was being with his lifeguarding but Korosensei giggled.

"I've gone through a great deal of trouble making sure this pool is in harmony with its natural surroundings! Proper enjoyment of it must be disciplined and orderly."

Kurahashi pouted. "Don't be such a stick in the mud! You need to loosen up!" When she'd sprayed water on him, however, he squealed.


The class was in shock. "Um, did he just scream like a chick?" Nakamura asked.

No one had time to answer as Karma, ever the quick reactor, started shaking Korosensei's chair. Korosensei yelled as Karma seemed to have the time of his life. "Don't read too much into it, I just didn't feel like taking a dip at the moment, that's all. Certainly not cause water causes my fingers to swell up or anything."

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