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" Mr. Kaedehara? " His manager, Ayato walked over to his desk, looking at the few scattered papers.
" How's it going? " Ayato glanced at his laptop, the document was going okay.
" Good. " Kazuha lied. He refused to admit, that honestly, he was exhausted and pissed. He didn't even get a chance to have a little piece of cereal this morning, OR tea.

He had to babysit his neighbors step-daughter, Klee. Jean, her step-mother, was some CEO of a big company. Kazuha didn't bother remembering, nor did he need to. So, every miserable Monday morning, he'd have to walk over to their house and take care of a child from 6 AM to 8AM, and rush to his job.

He didn't know why he didn't just say "no", and that could be over, but now every horrid Monday morning, he had to watch the child. As if Monday's weren't bad enough. Well, if he was honest, she wasn't THAT misbehaved, but still could get super reckless at times.

Kazuha sighed with relief as he finally shut his laptop, finishing most of the document. It was already, what, 4 PM? He was too tired, he had fucked his sleep schedule up, for whatever reason. He could never really remember what he did at night, but usually he was just on his phone, desperately clinging onto those few hours of freedom on his phone, only resulting in work being more tiring.
" Mr. Kaedehara, your free to go. " His manager bowed lightly. Kazuha was one of the few workers that genuinely worked properly, and didn't just laze around and talk all day.
Not like he had a choice.
" Thank you, Mr. Kamisato. I'll see you tomorrow morning. " Kazuha smiled lightly, twitching an eye as he watched Ayato walk away.

He groaned, he hated having to work an ordinary office job. He sighed, standing up, his legs had fallen asleep after sitting in the same position for so long. He rubbed his eyes. He had only slept three hours last night, maybe less. He didn't remember. Or he just didn't want to. He walked to the door, hovering his hand over the doorknob, and then from there everything was just kind of a blur for a bit.

He kept walking, before snapping out of his daze.
" Where the hell am I?.. " He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and looking around, remembering how he had missed his stop on the train. He was still in the familiar city of Tokyo, just.. nowhere near where he lived. He found himself in front of a bar, staring in through the glass door. He'd look stupid if he just turned around, he was here now, he figured surely there was more drinks than just alcohol?

But he couldn't bring himself to move. He'd look painfully stupid both options, walking away after standing there, awkwardly, for who knows how long, or going into a BAR and ordering a drink that won't get you drunk in the slightest. Embarrass himself, or embarrass himself?

He was stuck, thinking in silence. In fact, he probably looked stupid right now, standing awkwardly in front of a bar.
"I'm just tired. I should.. just go home, go to bed." He thought to himself.
But no.
He found his gaze was glued onto a worker, relatively near the entrance, serving back and forth from behind the counter and to customers. He was perfect. He had short indigo hair, and eyes, with that seeet red eyeliner like he was born to wear it. that short hair had a few light blue streaks that most people wouldn't even notice. He was perfect. Everything he ever would've needed.

But, no. This was.. not a normal bar at all. It was a fucking host bar. Now it was extra embarrassing. But why was he so glued to this random stranger? He wasn't anything special. Neither was Kazuha, but he quickly dismissed that thought to keep his ego.

He watched as the boy walked from behind the counter, into what he guessed was either the restroom or staff room, and walk out with more.. how do you put this? Stylish clothes? Whatever. The boy walked towards a more romantically set up area of the bar. Was he a host? No way. How could someone let such beauty be so used?

He stared, before snapping out of his daze. Why was he so glued to this stranger? He didn't want to know. He didn't care. In fact, he would never go back to this place again. He wouldn't let himself. He shook his head, turning around and quickly shuffling away towards the station, trying to awkwardly shift through the typical crowd of Tokyo. Of course, being a sort-of idol, he got some stares, a photo or two. But he didn't mind, he just wanted to get home.

He quickly got onto the bus, too tired for anything. He stood, holding tightly onto a pole, trying to keep his eyes open as his gaze scanned the unfamiliar faces around him.

One face occupied his mind.

That indigo-haired boy he saw at the host bar.
He didn't even go in! So why was the guy he didn't even talk to occupying his mind so much?

He shook his head.
"I'm just tired." He tried to convince himself, gripping tighter onto the pole as he waiting for his stop, so he finally could go home, and for once sleep at a normal time.

That's how every day went.
Work, walk, train or bus, walk, get home, eat, sleep.
Or, occasionally, babysitting. It was a pain in the ass.
It was boring. That's what it was.

Kazuha rubbed his eyes as he pushed lightly through the crowd of the packed train, out of the door and on the way to his house.

"How did I even end up at a host bar, of all places..?"
Kazuha rubbed his eyes again, walking towards his apartment. It had to do for now. An office job, honestly, doesn't pay that much.

hi guys! that's (basically) chapter one,, if u could leave any suggestions for future chapters or some work on my writing, it'd be appreciated!!

kazuscara canon 🗣️🗣️💯💯

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