Chapter 2

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I walked to school, this morning.  My rage this morning were for my unexpected forgotten birthday suprise, the strangers. Yep my parents had forgotten My sweet 16, how sweet right? Like they couldn't stay away from the dark red wine, and champagne long enough to notice my existence. Sober? Never. But me I'm just waiting on some guy to try and love me and then leave. It'll never work, never does. Love is simply more of hope. I have no hope for anyone. In the position i'm at, hope's all i'd need. But that doesn't stop red champagne stains on our tan carpet, and a new man being heard from my living room. My parent's marriage has always been a lie. They go out and rummage through people and use that divorce shit. "Yeah, my wife's leaving me". Then they come home, to me asleep. You get the picture...

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