Bakura meeting gracy muto (ai story on Generator)

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Bakura had transferred to Domino High School with a lot of excitement. He was sure it was going to be an exciting adventure. His millennium ring was guiding him to the school roof, but he wasn't sure why. As he stepped out onto the roof, he was met with a beautiful sight. Gracy Muto, Yugi's twin sister, was busy dealing with her cards and trying to work out a card combo.

Bakura stood there for a while, watching her. His millennium ring began to point towards Grace and he felt a strange connection with her. He was mesmerized by her beauty and her determination to work out the card combo. He just stood there, watching her, his mind lost in his thoughts.

Just then, Gracy noticed Bakura and greeted him with a warm smile. She was polite and cheerful, and Bakura couldn't help but feel drawn to her. After they finished talking, Bakura realised that his initial feeling was right: the millennium ring was pointing him towards Grace for a reason.

From that day onwards, Bakura started spending more time with Gracy, getting to know her in-between their card duels. Bakura admired her strength and courage, and she in turn noticed his unique skillset. Gradually, they became closer and eventually began to develop a strong friendship.

Thanks to Bakura's millennium ring, he was able to find a kindred spirit in Gracy. The two have been friends ever since. As for the card combo, Grace eventually was able to work out the solution and her decks became even more efficient!

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