Chapter 1: Crystal

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No one pov:
   It was by pure bad luck that the SIB and Fundy had fallen near their needed soul piece because they were immediately surrounded by gems. Technoblade went to pull out his sword but found it missing along with a few other things. It turns out that Drista had played one more trick on all of the groups before they left. The young goddess had stolen all of their weapons and potions, leaving only what Kristin had given them to find the shattered soul. So the group was in trouble. Even with Techno's strength, he couldn't fist fight all of the gems and protect Dadza from the tiny ones. Wilbur backed against Fundy he tried to talk their way out of this situation.

   While this was going on, Philza's attention was on Red Diamond, who had a very similar resemblances to Death. Red had a red veil covering their face, a dark red kimono dress, and their hair reached the floor. It amazed Phil how one of Tommy's shattered souls had managed to resemble Death. Before anything could have been done, Red Diamond had command for the gems to bring the four up to her.

Fundy pov:
   'Shit, shit, shit!! We are all going to die. Why was I forced into this!'

   Snapping at the woman who was pushing, I tried fighting my way out of their grip. "Move it! Red Diamond had ordered for a closer look at you, Intruders!" Shoving me into Wilbur, who kept trying to flirt with all of the ladies. "Uh, we're sorry about disturbing you, mate." Rolling my eyes, I knew that grandpa was just trying to smooth everything over. Before Phil could say anything else, we were all forced the kneel down.

   Technoblade, who had been surprisingly quiet, immediately started to be difficult, and it took five ladies to pin him down. 'Hah, we are all going to die because of Techno! Because kneeling down to someone will absolutely kill that dame pig!' My entire body shaked in rage how this would probably be my end. Before I could process anything else, I felt myself lift up into the air. "Ah! Hey put me down you bitch!" Kicking and screaming as the thing brought me closer to their face.

Red Diamond pov:
   "Hah, oh my just look at you! Pink told me about humans. You all must be another sub species similar to them." Holding the orange on in my hand, they were all shaking as I poked softly around them. I could hear the green one trying to speak to me, but I simply ignored them. As orange was far more interesting, pink looked like a soldier, brown looked defected, and green just looked boring. "H-hey, you can put me down now...please.."

   I laughed at how orange voice shaked a bit, so I placed them in my lap and looked at the other three who were now arguing with my Quartz soldier. It was displeasing with how much they fought against me, Pink's human zoo is far more tamed than these creatures. I looked over to Pearl, who was standing awaiting my orders. "Pearl, you can handle these intruders while I go spend time with my new creature."

   Orange seemed to start fighting me about leaving the others, but I knew it being with me was far better. "Hold it! You can't just take my son you red ass bitch!" Glaring at the brown one I brought the orange closer to my chest. "So this is your 'son'? Well, not anymore orange will now be my som!" Turning away, I signaled for a few Ruby guards to follow while my Pearl and Quartz dealt with them.

   "H-hey, um, can you like not kill them? They're like, family and shit?" Looking down at my new son, I just shaked my head at their plead. "Oh, they won't die. Pearl will simply be imprison. Nothing bad will happen if they cooperate!" Petting orange son's head. I didn't tell them I knew they would die on the way there.

   'With how pink had reacted to simply kneeling for a few minutes, they'll most likely be shattered before they leave that room.'

   Reaching my craft room, I went to my station and set orange onto my desk as I brought out my supplies. "Um, what are you doing?" Orange was looking over my work with curiosity, and I just smiled with how they reminded me of Pink. "I am going to fix a few cracked gems. It's my duty to find things to fix my fellow gems problems." Opening a small box, it contained bubbled gems with cracks, picking a red sapphire that was cracked a few days ago.

   Popping the bubble, I picked up my brush and dipped it into melted gold. Slowly, I filled the cracked gem the gold and set it aside as it slowly hardened. Orange seemed very interested, so I handed it over to them. "Be gentle with her, I can fix a few cracks but not a shattered gem."

Philza pov:
   "Can you two just stop fighting! This is no ones fault, especially not Tommys'!" Finally, both of the boys had stopped fighting. Taking a deep breath, I pulled out the one thing that Drista had let us keep. It was a book that held information on the world and the holders. "We are already so fucked up, you two little shit listen up while I info dump about this dimension."

   Techno grumbled but didn't protest while Wilbur just acted dramatically offended at my words. "Dadza, I would never! It's Techno you have to worry about!" This immediately started the twins arguing with each other. Rolling my eyes, I started to read the book.

   "The crystal dimension is constructed a medium threat. The holder of the shattered soul is Red Diamond, one of the five diamonds who conalyzed others' planets for Homeworld. Gems are beings made of light, and if damaged enough, they will poof so they can reform their body. Cracking or shattering a gem is the only way to truly damage them."

   "Is that fucking it?! We have to somehow break out and fight people who can just reform!" Wilbur yelled through the walls and went on a rant on how this was impossible. Letting out a long sigh, I forced myself off of the ground, my wings twitching in frustration. "Wilbur, I love you, mate, but I'm need you to just shut up for a minute. We'll figure it out later."

   Going up to the yellow electrical wall, I leaned close to see if any of those gems were coming back. So far, no sign of them, getting as close as I could without touching the wall I examine it carefully. "Bruh, this doesn't even hurt." Snapping my neck towards Techno voice, I quickly put my hand through the barrier. Electricity flowed through me, but it wasn't that bad. "Alright, let's get the hell out of here and find Fundy!"

   Walking through the barrier, I looked to both my side and saw both Techno and Wilbur free. Ears twitching, I could hear someone running in our direction. "Alright, boys, let's go." Going down a different hall, we ran from the upcoming gems who were now chasing after us. Glancing back, it was five gems who had a weapon similar to each other. "Ugh, can't we like poof them like that book said Philza?"

   'We could do that, but we need to get the soul shard from Red Diamond. If we prove a threat, then we'll probably not get a chance to get near them.'

   "No, we'd have to be on guard 24/7 if we prove to them we're a threat. It's possible if To-I mean Red kept Fundy with them. He could be convincing them we aren't a threat!"

   Techno grumbled at that, but he agreed. Wilbur just rolled his eyes before putting my theory down. "I know my son Phil, he's not smart enough -" Before Wil could finish, Techno interrupted. "You know he's right, Philza, you know that saying like father, like son." Rubbing my head, I knew that this trip to fix Tommy would help fix our family or be the final straw. Hopefully, it'll be what fixes it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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