Wild and Free?

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"Penguin!" She neighed, galloping after the young black and white Appaloosa. Dust flew as the wind blew her mane across her face. She snorted as she caught up to him.

"Slowpoke!" He teased, swiping her across the snout with his tail. She yelped, rearing back as she leave onto him awkwardly. Penguin fell with her toppling over with him. They fell into a heap of fur and dust. He laughed as he pushed himself up, nudging her side. For her to get up.

"Get up!" He urged, she did, heaving herself up with her powerful legs.

She lifted her head to see the No-furs stalking over to them and calling their names, their little ones following. She sighed.

"Want to cause some mischief?" She asked, a grin plastered on her face.

"We can't." He shook his head. "The No-furs would be furious!" Penguin exclaimed, nudging her. "Now come on before we get in actual trouble."

She sighed, stalking forward with boredom. What was the point of being ridden every day, only to be cooped up in a stable later. Fed tasteless food and brushed with brushes that poked her skin when she was tied up to be cleaned. She hated it. She stopped for a moment, halfway across the pen when she thought of something. I don't need Penguin to rebel. She decided, and began to canter the other way. She heard Penguin call out to her but she ignored his protests.

She began to sprint towards the fence of her tiny enclosure. She felt the wind on her short fur as she dashed over. Ignoring her mind screaming at her to turn back, she didn't. Faster, don't stop. She encouraged herself, pushing her legs harder against the wind that seemed to force her back.

She neared closer to the fence, holding her breath she jumped. It all felt as if it were slow motion. As if she were flying. She bent her legs as to escape the tightness of her pen. She stretched her legs forward as she landed, the adrenaline running through her as she ran. She was free! Free from those horrible brushed that nagged at her short fur and mane, free of those crowded stabled and manure smelling scent of the horse next to her, Rocket. She was free from it all. And it felt good.

She slowed to a trot as she entered a forested area, panting from the run, she didn't think she has ever ran so fast in her life. It felt like freedom. She could run as far and as long as she wanted out here. She felt a small pang of regret as she realized Penguin wouldn't be able to feel the same scene of freedom as she did, but she forced the thought out of her head. If he didn't want to come, he didn't have to, but he wont hold be back!

She slowed to a walk, her legs burning with exhaustion. The adrenaline seemed to disappear as she neared the edge of the forest, new scents drifting to her. She suddenly felt scared, how would she live out here like this? She wondered if she should just turn back to the sad safety of the stables, what was she even going to do out here now that she was out?

She turned around for a second, thoughts swarming into her head. Turn back! It's dangerous out here! The No-furs will be furious! But no, something stopped her. Everything her head told her to did didn't match up with what her heart wanted her to do. Keep going. It seemed to say.

Keep going, trust me. A small voice seemed to whisper in her ear. She felt her heart pounding as she looked around.

What is even out here for me? She wondered,  stepping forward a few steps. Quickly turning around with a new surge of confidence. Guess ill have to find out! She thought to herself, sprinting towards the cliff before her. The wind brushed her snort mane as she ran, not looking back for a second.

Although she should have. She was so aware of what was in front of her she didn't even pay attention to there new dangers around her. She ran forward, unaware of the consequences of not turning around. Even for a moment.

She ran, forcing her hooves in front of her, suddenly, she tripped, a small rabbit warden catching her hoof as she fell forward.

Snap! She yelped in pain as she felt a strong pain in her leg. She laid there for a moment, the breath nocked out of her. She got up after a few Long heartbeats, grunting in pain as she tried to stand. Her leg becoming unbearably painful. She collapsed under her own weight, pulling her leg close her her to inspect it.

it was quite swollen to be fair, she thought she might've broken it. She shivered at the thought of being stranded out here with no water and a broken leg. She tried to stand up again, shaking at the effort. She managed to stand, and a red figure leaped out of a small bush, she yelped in fear as it hurled itself at her, its big bushy tail helping it to balance on her, instantly clawing into her shoulder and biting into the back of her neck, she realized it was trying to snap her spine!

"Get off of me!" She screamed, rearing the creature off of her with great effort, if slid off her back and ran to the front of her. Jumping up to bite her injured leg. She cried in pain, shaking it off which was even more painful. She for in front of it and kicked the small fox with her back leg, hearing the small thing whimper in pain as it flew into a nearby rock, she shuttered as she heart a loud snap.

Slowly limping over to the fox, she saw its neck was bent in an unnatural way, twisted until it was nearly entirely behind its own body. She shivered as the fox lay limp and unmoving. Did i kill it? She wondered, stepping back fearfully. Terrified of her own actions. She noticed the fox was scrawny and underfed. The poor thing was probably starving to death! And i killed it!

She realized it had tried to kill her first. As weak and helpless as she has been she ended up doing the real damage to the creature. Instantly the pain of her leg and new injured from the fox attack came back to her and she winced. She had to keep moving forward, no matter how much she wanted to turn back to the No-furs and climb into the stall. Ive gotten this far. I must keep going. 

She forced herself to take a few more steps, feeling a dark wave of blackness threatening to consume her. She shook it away, taking a few more steps before it came back again. Hearing footsteps behind her she tried to hurry, but she couldn't. She felt the wave consume her, and she fell into darkness. All thoughts drifting away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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