Arrival Anniversary

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A/N: Ugh wattpad doesn't want me to attach images so I leave it up to you to look up how the vk band Sadie looks like if you don't know who they are, gomen. Oh, and a quick fun fact, Gazette and Sadie know each other pretty well which is super cool ^^ P.S. Sadie is a freaking awesome band I love them so much :D

It was early in the morning and my dreaming was disturbed by the bright rays of morning light, flooding over my face. Today marks the ten years I've been living with my adoptive family. During my time here, the Kemuri (smoke) clan has tought me the many deadly ways of assasination and killing.

I've made friends with just about everyone here and have become a favorite among our higher ranked ninja's and commanders but I saw only two purposes in remaning here. One being the desire to avenge my village from the terrible attack many years ago, and second, the woman who saved me.


Even till this day, her evergreen eyes still shine brighter than any precious stone. I've turned eighteen a few days ago and I learned that Reila was only 14 when she rescued me meaning now, she's 24. The 6 year age difference doesn't matter to me at all, I still love her with all my heart.

"OI! TAKANORI! OHAYOU~!!" My lovely morning thoughts were interrupted when one of my fellow assasins pounced on me mercilessly.

"What the- Oi Mizuki! Get the hell off me would'ya!!!!" I growled as I sat up and shoved him onto the wooden floor beside me.

"Itai! Taka, why are you so mean to me?!" he whined as he shot right back up to point at me frustratedly. God, I swear he is the most annoying human being on this planet! I groaned and rubbed the remaining sleepiness out of my silver eyes.

"Mizuki, would you get out so I can get dressed?" I ordered tiredly, pointing to the exit of my room. He sighed and turned to leave but not before telling me to hurry up, and that Reila was waiting for me outside.

That fact made me rush out of my blankets and hop around, trying in vain to pull and strap on my black outfit. I was finished in less than five minuets which was pretty good becuase I did usually take forever to get ready. I have to look my best!

Once I've finished, I slid open the decorated paper door that led to the side walkway. I have my own little place to stay in which I'm grateful for, it's really noisy out here but that's okay. At least I know it's sounds of training and laughter and not the horrible sounds of death that still ring in my ears, unwilling to leave me alone...

Just as promised Reila, and ugh, Mizuki, were waiting outside by the front entrance to my house. I ran up to them with a small smile on my face and allowed all of my attention fall onto Reila. She looked so beautiful again today.

"There you are Taka-chan! Took ya long enough." she teased. Aah, she was so fun to be around. And she was really strong to! Not to mention super intelligent and-

"Oi Takanori! Stop daydreaming 'bout your girlfriend here and lets go get some food!" Mizuki once again interrupted my thoughts and it made me angry. But what made me even more annoyed, was that he called Reila my girlfriend! What, the hell man... not cool.

I sighed and Reila giggled. Such a nice sound, I could listen to it all day if I could. We made it towards one of the many small sitting places sprawled about the camping grounds and found one for just the three of us. We were best friends, but I did have a guy friend that I felt especially close to. One that I could tell everything to and would always stay by my side, just as he has ever since my arrival here. He's only one year older than me and is considerably taller at a height of 5'8", while I'm stuck at a girly height of 5'3".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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