Their Date

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Author's note:
I know it's not that close in the future but the books like 2 years later so when they're 16. So this is a little headstart! Also you had Missy stay over to help and your date is at 2 pm.
Y/N Pov:
This stupid alarm! I get up and turn it off. Missy is already up. "Guppy, Get up! Dad's making breakfast today and it's almost done you want it while it's fresh right?" She got up "Is he?" "Yep" she got down and got ready and ran straight out she had a purple shirt that said awesome on and Jean shorts. "Missy!" "Yea.." "I need to get ready!" "Yea at 1" "But I need everything ready!" "Ok..." I start going through my clothes. "What about this red vintage dress or this black dress?" "Try them on!" I tried the red one on "I like it! It falls right to your knees, matches, and it's not too extravagant." "Thanks! Yea and it's cute!" She nodded and I tried on the other dress. "Uh... It doesn't really... Match or look right on you I'm sorry..." "It's my hair isn't it?" "Yea..." Ok let me grab some normal clothes pink shirt and black shorts. "Ima go get changed!" I get changed. My dad knocks on the door. "Come in, Dad!" Missy goes and gets dressed in the bathroom. "Breakfast?" He nods. "High Five" he gave me a high five and went to the kitchen. Missy came out and she was in a white shirt and black pants. "Let's go eat breakfast!" "Ok" "FRIED FISH AND EGGS!" My dad smiled. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" Missy whispered "You'll have Fish Breath" "I can fix it do you want fish?" "No" "Missy just wants eggs." My dad nodded and put eggs on a plate. I sat down and ate it all in like a second not really but like 5 minutes. I smile. I looked at my dad. "That was good!" Missy turns to me "How are you done it's still burning hot!" "Oh it is!" I get up and go to the cabinet "I didn't notice" I got some Lava Rocks and was chewing on them. "You know what... Nevermind." I laughed."It doesn't hurt." "For you" "Wait I need to prepare more stuff! When you're done come to my room!" I go to my room and look for a bathing suit. Maybe this pink one piece I'll ask Missy. And I need a coat so maybe this light black coat and black winter jacket. And I need boots sneakers and sandals. Missy walks in "I only have one bathing suit so-" "Calm down if you only have one pack it!" "Ok and these coats and these shoes." "You're ready girl!" "Fine" "Now can we go play in your p-  I mean go play something." "... You want to go swim?" "Yea.." I go to the living room. "Mom, Come Watch us we're gonna swim..." "Ok, remember,-" "Don't swim too long got it" she smiled. I go get my bathing suit and go outside. Missy gets in and I stand on the ladder Deep Breath and then I jumped. "You can swim!" "I'm full of surprises but it hurts." "Oh" we have fun for 5 minutes but I can feel I'm running out of well I don't know fire... I climb up the ladder and run to my mom. She helps me. "Thanks" I run back over "Wanna see a trick?" "Sure" "I stepped on the water and I walked "What the-" "Cool, Right?" "Yea" I go back onto the ladder. "Wanna watch a movie?" "Sure" "Come on, Let's go! We get out and get changed and end up watching 2 because the sequel looked too good! Before we knew it was 12:30 Mom made us some fries for lunch and we ate them "Yum!" "Thanks again, Mom! You're the best!" "Your welcome" We finished eating and Missy had to go home I gave her a hug and said "Bye, Missy!" "Bye, Y/N!" As soon as she left I went to my room to get my small backpack ready. I got all my shoes, Jackets, Extra clothes, my bathing suit is outside drying actually I'ma get it! I went and got it and put in in my backpack and now to get ready. "This dress is pretty" I put it on and do my hair (Brush it) and I go and sit on my couch "You look pretty!" "Thanks mom" "You really like Wild Card?" "Yea, Guppy why wouldn't I?" "Don't look at me like that!" He should be here in 10 minutes. "Mom?" "Yea?" "When will I know I'm ready?" "For what?" "To go to Planet Drool" "You'll know when you are, when the time is right." "Ok." "I promise it will be before 18." "Ok!" I sit there 5 minutes there's a knock on the door. "Dad!" My dad came and opened the door. Because that's what they do, right? "You look beautiful!" "Thank you, You look handsome!" "Are you ready?" "Yes" "Be home by 8" "Ok mom!" I held his hand. As we walked out the door. There's a little Carriage with somebody riding a horse in the front.. "No way it's like a dream" "That's why I planned it, today is all about a world of dreams." I smiled and we got in the carriage. "I'm taking you somewhere just down the road." I look at him and kiss him "You're amazing!" "Come on I'm not that amazing!" "You're though you have every power and you did this for me you're handsome you're perfect you're amazing." "I'm not perfect I got problems too" "I know" "Your hair is on fire is something wrong" "Dang it" "What?" "My hair goes on fire when I'm heated up either mad or well you know." "Ok" I can see a restaurant Is that where we're going. "We're here." I smile. "Wow" He helps me down. We walk up to the door and I see him slip the carriage guy a 20 "You didn't have to do that." "But I wanted to" "Ok" We go in the restaurant "Wow" "Cool right?" "Yea"  He goes up to the waiter "I have a table reserved under Wild Card." "You're Wild Card?" "Yea" "You and your team was amazing saving your parents my personal favorite heroic is your dad." "Well, actually it's Missy's team but thanks can I sit down" "Your table should be ready in 10 minutes you can wait over there." I smiled at him as we walked over. "You're famous." "It was one person." "Ok..."
Author's note:
I didn't realize how long it would be so there will be a part 2 coming by 3:00 pm. (Time in Pennsylvania) This is gonna be fun for Y/N of course

Wild Card x Y/N (Guppy's 14 year old older sister) Where stories live. Discover now