the sanctuary

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Rocky walked with ginger to a hut as they held hands the two were happy until they saw the chicks "i think we should have kids?" ^not yet rocky!^ "alright doll-face!" ^GINGER!^ by the time they got inside rocky had turned their electric kettle on while ginger was making some soup the two continued their work in the kitchen until "so ginger? hows the soup coming along?" ^its going good!^ "alright" the soup was ready rocky put his half in his bowl while ginger did the same they sat down and turned on the telly ^so? you want to have kids?^ "yeah i guess i do!" ^well?^ rocky now blushing went "uh oh" the two began dry humping before then going inside and out with a little *THRUST!* thank you mac! ^oh-agh!^ "yo Mr's hard-boiled i think your going soft?" ^shut it! AGH!^ the two continued until they reached their climax ^OH-YES! YES!^ the two then finished a now sleepy ginger fell off of rocky's meat the two then cuddled up on the sofa as they ate their soup.

Well fowler was roaming around teaching kids about the old crate (ANYWAYS! back in my days! you kids wouldn't exist! if it wasn't for me! flying the old crate!) 'i like this holiday! bunty i'd hate to go back!' ¬give for! were not on holiday!¬ 'oh!' *seems like something is around here! IT IT IT it's just* 'nick' ~and fetcher!~.

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