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Trigger warning - bad parents ,swearing , blood oh and really crappy spelling mistakes and no grammar lol
if this makes you uncomfortable please leave ❤️
Noah's pov 🤭
Today I woke up from the loudest alarm clock ever and I mean it, got up and put jeans and a long sleeved shirt with a vest over its just the usual

Walking down the stairs I see my mum and dad passed out on the floor trying to step over them without kicking any bottles or waking them up
I'm not that hungry so I'll just eat later I guess . It's been snowing a lot in these past days
I saw about 10 people slipping while walking to school, I already knew that today was going to be shit and all

/ time skip into science \

Teacher- alright we have a new student called Cody please welcome him into our class!
Now Cody why don't you sit beside Noah the boy in the red vest?

Cody- oh sure I guess

/ Noah's pov /
Oh great now I have to sit beside someone ?
Why can't I just be by myself 
" oh hi I'm Cody and your noah right?" He said excitedly.
"Uh yeah I am " I said I mean he didn't seem that bad I guess from
He lightly touches my shoulder " hey are you okay? " oh shit he realised me zoning out

/ Cody's pov / 😶
I'm sitting beside this guy called Noah I mean he seems nice I guess.
Oh I should try and get to know him !
" oh hi I'm Cody your Noah right?" "Uh yeah I am " jeez I was not expecting his voice it's really monotone..
is he okay he looks like he's zoning out I should ask him, I touched his shoulder a bit
"hey are you okay?" He flinched a bit maybe I shouldn't of touched him -
" sorry I didn't mean to touch you!"
"No it's uh it's fine I guess. " he says with no emotion
I tried to start asking him questions like his favourite subject and all
*+ bell rings +* oh it's break now !
I start packing my stuff and walked out of the room in a steady pace
Noah's pov sorry for going like back and forth 😣//
Ugh it's break now I mean at least I get to be alone and read my book.
I go into this little secret place behind the bushes I like to go here to get away from everything
Like listening to music reading a book or drawing it always helps me calm down but because of all the snow everyone is outside now and throwing snow and each over I never liked having "fun"
like that I would rather just hang out somewhere nice!
I hear a familiar voice huh it sounds like someone getting hurt or annoyed
I took a quick peak out of the bushes to try and see what's happening
It's the new guy oh crap he's getting beat up what do I do?
Ugh whatever I walk out of the bush
Cody's pov 😰
"Ugh give it back now!" 
" hah if you want your bad so bad why don't you just come get it ?"
One of the things that annoys me is my height I already now I'm short and all but I hate when people use it against me I just want to get my bag and go home ugh!
" can you just give it back? "
he shoved me to the ground I feel my arm bleeding but don't pay attention to it that much
He starts to kick my stomach over and over again I feel so fucking weak right now
"Hey leave him alone."
Huh who's that?! It's someone with dark brown hair with a red vest and shorts oh wait it's Noah why's he helping me ?!?
" the fact that your still trying so hard to get attention that now your just being a stereotypical American bully is actually sad " he said then just reached up and just grabbed the bag gave it to me and pulled me up ?
Why's he being so nice Ah fuck he grabbed my arm I didn't realise how hard I fell my arm literally feels like it's broken!
"I'm taking you to the nurses office " he said in a still voice
Nobody's pov 🤭
Noah was walking Cody to the nurses office
" oh uh thanks for helping me back there" Cody said his voice a bit softer
" it's fine I guess " Noah said
"Ugh the nurse isn't even here " - Noah muttered -
It's fine I'll just bandage it up myself I guess.. here come sit "noah said in a emotionless tone
He grabbed some wipes and bandages from the shelves and started to clean the cuts Cody flinched and the stinging effect
But soon calmed down once Noah got the bandages on
There you should be better now. Noah said -
Thanks so much! *+ bells rings +*
Oh it's home time finally! Cody said happily.
Noah's pov 🤔
When walking up to the stairs of my house I see my door open? My parents probably got up to let my dog out
And then fucking passed out on the sofa ugh " MILO!! " milo is my dog he's a golden Labrador I've had him since I was 7 ! I found him in a trash can and just took him home eh my parents didn't care I see milo coming up the stairs and runs inside I give him a couple treats close the door then go up stairs

( fun fact it's cannon that Noah actually has a golden Labrador 🥳 )

Once I go upstairs I grab my phone and open Spotify put some music on and try get some sleep-. Hmm i don't know what to think about... but then I just pass out —

Authors notes 😋
First book going pretty good lol sorry for not making them have a lot of chemistry I'm prob gonna do that next chapter I just  wanted to get the characters to meet first and all so like yeah bros and please don't pressure me but also give me ideas plz if this even j
Gets reads lol also

Word count is - 1021 🥳

School "friend" / noco fanfic 😋Where stories live. Discover now