And he came all the way

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    I remember everything like it was yesterday but a year and a half has past since that day, actually. It was December 18th and I had finally decided to confess to the guy I had liked for almost three months since he had arrived as a new student to my school. He was a blue-eyed blond boy that had impressed me with his incredible alternative personality and his love for indie music and literature.

    We had started talking after a month and became friends pretty quickly. A couple of weeks later we were already thinking of traveling around the world together; he was aware of all my concerns and drama and I knew he loved bicycles and adventure. I soon realized that what I felt was called love but didn't have the courage to express myself. At least until we decided to organize a dinner with some friends.

    That night was a bit awkward at first because we didn't really know each other well and nobody knew what to talk about but a little bit of alcohol was the answer to all of our problems. We ended up playing Never have I ever. In the game we all confessed to have feelings for someone in the table and that's when I started to believe that I might have a chance of being liked by him.

    And that's when we get to the 18th. I gathered all my courage to tell him how I felt and how much I longed for us to be together. I had never felt that way before and everything was so intense. Moreover, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach whenever we had a conversation or when I saw him entering the classroom. It was the day before I left to Colombia to visit my family for two weeks. Since I would be hundreds of miles away for quite a long time I wanted to leave knowing that he loved me. However, when I got the chance to tell him, I wasn't brave enough so I left school quite frustrated and I cowardly sent him a message telling him that I wanted to say something once I came back from the other side of the ocean.

    I arrived home and started packing everything. You have to know that we live in two different cities that are only close if you have a car. A couple of hours passed by and suddenly I received the most beautiful phone-call of all time.

"Come to the park in front of your house", he said with a really tired voice. "I couldn't wait two weeks to see you, so I came. Now come here immediately and tell me anything you want".

    My heart started racing like it wanted to escape my body. "Ba-dum, Ba-dum". I descended the stairs as fast as I could and it took me two minutes to be in front of him. He looked exhausted and I suddenly understood why. He came all the way to my house with his beloved bicycle even though he knew how far I lived. I think I melted at that moment and knew for sure that he would correspond my feelings.

    We sat down in a wood bench and he waited paciently for me to gather courage again and start speaking.

"Well, I don't want to follow the stereotypes", I said, "because I don't believe it's the man's duty to confess. So, I only have to say that I'm completely in love with you and I'll miss you like hell these two weeks."

    We stood there in silence for the longest minute of my life. I looked at him with all my high hopes but he didn't say anything.

"If you don't give me an answer right now I think I'm going to cry", I said about to explode.

    He suddenly reacted and looked at me with a great smile in his face.

"I love you with my all and I'm so glad you decided to tell me this. This is what I like the most about you. You are your true self at all costs and are not afraid to do everything to achieve what you want. I love you so much. Please be with me".


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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