day fourteen

7 6 21

gone ~ <3

OK I wasn't there today because I felt like shit and I was depressed because my dog, with whom I had been friends for 5 years, died last night. That's why I wasn't here today. Mhm maybe for everyone you can seem my deppresia is too bluntly stupid because 'it's just a dog. well, if you want, we'll buy you another one' according to my parents, it's 'not scary'.. but what if you shared with this animal for 5 whole years and it really became your friend in such a time?! what the fuck should I do?.. I just can't understand my parents anymore and it seems they didn't try to understand my heartache either..

okay. I'll be active as usual tomorrow, so don't worry.

question !! <3

how old are you and the date of your birthday?

I am 14 years old and my birthday is November 29.

status of day fourteen ;; sad & bad & depression day.

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