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My sister and I sit on the ledge of the window

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My sister and I sit on the ledge of the window. Our parents went out hunting so I can finally talk to her without them hearing everything I say.

"What has had you so stressed?" Gemma teases.

Her long blonde hair resembles our mom's even thought they aren't related. Her blue eyes look at me with wonder.

"I like someone," I begin.

"Holy shit! You haven't liked someone since you lost your virginity to that sexy artist," she squeals.

"I know," I groan, covering my face with my hands.

"Well who is he? Mike? Tyler?" she continues to list guys that go to our school.

"It's no one that goes to Forks!" I stop her.

"Is he a college boy? Dad is going to kill you!"

"It's Jacob Black," I blurt out.

"The one that likes Bella?" she asks, less excited now.

"Yes the one that likes Bella," I confirm.

"Isn't his family like our family's enemy?" She asks.

"Yep, now do you see why I'm freaking out?" I ask her.

"It should be fine," she shrugs, "you're not his enemy. Just our entire family."

"Not funny, Gem."

She sighs, "You haven't like anyone in so long. Maybe you should give him a chance. Keep it a secret from our family for a little bit and see if there's even any chemistry there."

"How am I supposed to keep it a secret? They know everything."

"I'll help you," She offers, "i'm sure I can distract them enough."

"Thank you," I say, grinning.

"Of course, you're my baby sister. All I want is for you to find your happily ever after," she says, pulling me into her arms.

I lean into her and sigh. Even though we are polar opposites, Gemma really is my best friend. My entire life we have looked out for each other. Every new school, every dumbass bully. We were there for each other. It was hard for us to leave each other when we finally had to go into seperate schools. I was stuck in elementary while she went into middle school. It scared us both.

Middle school is when she really started to rebel. She got bullied badly her first year. After we finally moved, she begged our mom for a makeover and contacts. Our mom agreed and now my sister looks incredible. She knows how to do her eyeliner, keeps her hair styled everyday, and wears the cutest clothes.

I truly don't know how she has energy for that every morning. I'm pretty sure my mom helps her most days even though she acts like she doesn't need our moms help.

"I have a perfect idea!" She gasps.

"What?" I ask, afraid of what this idea could be.

"Let's go to a party over in La Push," she suggests.

I pull away to look at her, "what?"

"I know some guys over there and there's a party at the beach tonight. Maybe it could help loosen you up and connect with Jake. I'm sure he'll be there," she says.

I bite my lip, unsure of this.

"Come on! It'll be fun," she says.

"I'm a little scared," I admit.

"Don't be! Your big sister will be there," she teases.

"I seriously think black is your color," Gemma tells me as she finishes up my makeup

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"I seriously think black is your color," Gemma tells me as she finishes up my makeup.

She dressed me in a long sleeved black dress that hugged my curves and showed off my cleavage.

"You better not tell mom that," I warn.

For as long as I can remember, our mom had dressed us in white. I asked her once why she did it and she told us she wanted us to look like angels.

"Come on," Gemma says, grabbing my hand.

I can't help the anxiety that moves through my entire body.

Gemma drags me toward the large group of people that are gathered around a bonfire.

"Gemma, it's cold!" I complain. The wind hitting my bare legs and shivers going down my spine.

"Go find Jacob Black to keep you warm," she teases, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

She leads me to the group, "I'm going to go get us a drink."

I nod as she walks away from me. I'm left standing awkwardly in a group of strangers.

"Mila?" His voice makes me melt.

"Jake! Hey!" I say, looking up at the boy who has somehow stolen my heart without even knowing it.

Teardrops on my guitar anyone? You know, by Taylor Swift?

"What are you doing here?" He asks, not hiding the fact that his eyes are wandering down my body.

"My sister dragged me out," I answer, "what are you doing here?"

"My friends Embry and Quil wanted to go out so here I am," he answers with a grin.

Gemma comes up beside me and hands me a red solo cup, "you must be Jake."

"You must be Gemma," he answers.

I take the drink from her hand with a grateful smile.

"Oooh, Jake. Who are your hot friends?" A guy with similar long hair to Jake walks over.

"Gemma and Mila," Jake answers, "ladies, this is Paul Lahote."

Paul's eyes travel down my body, "not uh, eyes here, handsome," Gemma directs him to her.

"As you wish," Paul says, winking at her.

I take a drink, the alcohol burning my throat as I do.

"Come with me," Gemma tells him, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from us.

"She has so much confidence," I mumble, shaking my head at my sister.

"And you don't?" Jake asks me.

"I could definitely have more."

"I'm not as confident as Paul either. He sees what he wants and just gets it so easily," Jake admits.

"I want you," I blurt out, instantly regretting it.

"Oh yeah?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah," I answer, heat rising to my cheeks.

"I think you have more confidence than you believe," He says, "but I want you too."

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