melancholy with hope | fred x oc angst/fluff ?

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* a/n: freds death hurt me so heres me doing gods work smh 🙏😩 this song to me fits well to me :) like ... melancholy with hope *leonardo dicaprio point meme* 

this made me sob have fun

He runs his fingers lightly across the pendant that sits just below her collar bone and leans in ever so slightly to whisper in her ear. "Never take this off." Fred whispers. "I'll never." Connie whispers.


"Fred, be careful." Connie says quietly, holding the infant in her arms. Fred laughs. "I'll come home, and I'll show you what you mean to me, sweetpea." Fred grins. "You get rest, Con. I love you."


"You alright, Freddie?" George asks. Fred pauses. "Yeah." He answers. George smiles and nudges Fred playfully. "Me too."


"Fred?" George looks down. "M-my wife." Fred chokes out. "Tell her I love her, Gred."


"He'll sleep until dawn and snore like his father." Connie tells someone as they ask about she and Fred's son Archie as she steps into The Great Hall and sees many dead bodies. Her eyes lock on Fred's. "...No. Fred, we talked about this! No sick jokes..." She looks up at George as she kneels by Fred. "If this is a joke, I'm pitching you both off the astronomy tower!"

"Con... You shouldn't have...." His voice is weak, but his expression tells her all she needs to know regarding how injured he is. He smiles weakly at her, blood trickling down the side of his face. "How's Archie?" he asks, coughing. The rest of the Weasley family come in through the hall as Connie shakes. "H-he'll sleep until dawn and snore like his father..." She repeats.

Fred's eyes go over to look at his family that have also joined the room. It's heartbreaking to see their faces as tears run down their cheeks. "Mummy, daddy, it's fine, I'm fine," he promises weakly, but even he knows it's a lie. "It's going to hurt a little, but I need to tell you something," he says weakly, his expression turning serious as he looks back at Connie.

Connie gets up. "I'm not letting you die, Freddie! You're too important!" She exclaims, taking her wand out and pressing it to him, healing his wounds. "Please... I love you! Fred Weasley, I need you!" Connie shouts desperately. "Please!" She sobs.

Fred's eyes flare up for a moment as the pain is relieved. His breathing evens, and he takes long, deep breathes. He looks at her in surprise. "How?" He questions, a bit of wonder in his voice. "Thank you," he smiles weakly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You're welcome, Freddie." Connie smiles. "I love you so, so much." Fred gives her a thumbs up, still feeling weak after almost dying. " you think we can go home now?" He asks weakly, his eyes not leaving hers. "I want to see Archie," he says. He feels a little nervous about what his parents might say, how they might react. His eyes go over towards George who is standing at the doorway with his arm around Molly.

George and Molly join them by Fred and Connie's side. Fred is laying against her, still looking weak but much better than before. "What is it, love?" George asks, his look of concern apparent. "My husband!!" Connie grins. "C'mon, sweet boy, I'll help you up." She grabs Fred's hand, helping him up.

Fred smiles as she helps him up, looking over at George and Molly. "Sweetheart, I think I can manage on my own," he whispers. It seems his energy is returning. He looks over at George, but before he can say anything, Molly slaps him. "Don't you ever do that again!" She exclaims. Fred chuckles nervously. Even in his current weakened state, Molly is still terrifying to him. He shakes his head and squeezes Connie's hand, rubbing his thumb against her fingers to try and offer her some comfort. He looks at George, and their eyes meet. They both share a silent, understanding look. George puts an arm around Fred's shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance.


She enters Archie's room and picks him up from his crib. "Morning, baby..." She whispers. Archie seems to be sleeping peacefully, but he stirs slightly as Connie picks him up. He groans and mumbles something, but he doesn't wake fully yet. He looks like a tiny version of Fred, complete with little freckles covering his nose and cheeks. She takes him to the couch where Fred is. "We made this little rascal..." She chuckles. "He looks just like you, Freddie."

Fred looks up at her, his expression full of pride as he looks at their son. His arms reach out, and he carefully takes Archie from Connie. Archie looks over at Fred and seems to recognize him, as his little face lights up in excitement when he sees his father.

"Look how much he loves you," She smiles. She sits down on the couch, leaning her head against Fred's shoulder.

"Not as much as I love either of you." Fred grins.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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