Love what you recive ❤️

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A young boy and his big sister, where sitting on a patio stargazing one night. The little boy asked, "Are there a lot of stars in the sky tonight?" "Yes" the girl replied. Due to the little boys blindness he could not see the sky. "Are there a lot of stars?" The boy continued to ask.
"Yes" the big sister replied once again. "Are they beautiful?" the boy asked. And once again the girl said "yes"
Suddenly the little boy broke down in sobs. He wailed in anguish. "I, I wish I could see the stars too. It's not fair, I wanna see beautiful things too. I want to enjoy them and treasure them"
His big sister kept smiling. Her little brother was wiping his eyes and sniffing.
"Is it true that your other senses get better once you lose one? Like how you close your eyes when someone is going to say something important." The girl asked. The little boy stuttered and sniffled, but finally said, "y, yes it's true"
"Don't you ever get happy about the things that you gained instead of becoming sad about the things that you lost? Like how music sounds better, how foods taste better and how nature smells better?
"N, No I've never thought about that I'm too busy being sad."
The young girl smiled.
"Sometimes you got to think about what got instead of what you hade. And you got to be happy about it. Not sad"
Tears came to the little boys blind eyes once again. But not out of anguish, but because of his sister's beautiful words.
Suddenly the world seemed a lot mor beautiful too the young boy. And not at all the dark blindness and emptiness he felt before. He smiled for the first time in many years at how beautiful words and the world could be.

The End

"Love every moment, especially the happy ones. ❤️
-Alma Westbom

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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