Untitled Part 1

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So I'm Drew, obviously.

I'm 17 years old.

I'm a guy.

Im 6'3 I think.

Im taken by the best most beautiful girl ever. xXxSilentWhisperxXx  Do not touch her. If you do I will literally kill you. She's mine.

Uh..my favorite color is green.

I'm an asshole. I know I am.

I have all I need in life. My girlfriend and pizza. XD And my baby brother that I raised

I'm bi not that that matters cause as I said before I have a girlfriend.

I hate people.

talk to me and I'll respond. Probably slow responses but I'll respond. Cause I spend most of my time on Kristals account. She has more followers and shit! So it's interesting. XD

I love music. Can't live without it. I love shit like





Suicide silence

All time low

Gteen Day

Blink 182


Ghost town

Twenty One Pilots


and a shit ton more.

I cuss a lot.

I love playing video games with my girlfriend and brother (they both suck but my brother is only 4 months so that's explainable. Kristal just sucks)

I read sometimes. when im bored.

I like cuddles and hugs and shit like that.

pandas are cute in my opinion.

This bio is so fucking long.

I can be flirty ig. DONT FUCKING THINK YOU'RE SPECIAL OR ANYTHING. Just a warning.

I like candy, who the hell doesn't.

I'll end this here. I don't fucking know what else to put on this.

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