Chapter 2: Moving Forward

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First Person POV

(New York: 1 Week Later)

Hey, It's me, Blood Spider and currently, I'm in a pretty...interesting predicament to say the least.

Over the past weeks, I've been in hiding in the city, away from Jackal...and my "Spider-Family" it's obvious they want me to trust them but well, I'm not the trusting type.

But...they're willing to accept me, dont know why, but they do...well let's recap the week, shall we?

Third Person POV

(1 Week Ago: Chinatown)

Blood Spider was sitting on the ledge of a rooftop, eating ramen noodles, he was at ease, looking down at the people below.

He saw kids playing in the street, happy and full of joy.

He slightly smiled at the scene but it faded as he stood up and lowered his mask.

Then he threw the pack of ramen in an alleyway as it landed in a dumpster.

Blood Spider: "Let's see what New York has to offer..."

He states then dives off the ledge and starts swinging through the district with swiftness and speed.

(Queens: Parker Residence)

Kaine was in the living room, an ice pack on his face as he and Ben Reily, the 1st Scarlet Spider were talking with Peter Parker, Spider-Man.

Peter: "Wait, so, Blood Spider is a clone of you? Not me?"

Kaine: "Yea, apparently there wasn't any of your DNA left to replicate, but plenty of Jackal used that instead, and well, that's it."

Ben: "And that's another thing? Jackal's alive? How?"

Kaine: "Dunno."

Peter: "We'll circle to that later...right now, we should find Blood Spider."

Kaine: "Peter, pretty sure he wants nothing to do with us."

Peter: "Nonetheless we should help him. Like you said, he's just a kid."

Ben: *mumbles* "A highly dangerous and volatile kid."

Peter and Kaine give Ben a look, as he raises his hands, defensively.

Kaine: "Fine. But don't be bitching when we find him."

Peter: *chuckles* "Me? Never."

Ben: "But how are we gonna find him?"

He asks as Peter nervously chuckles and rubs his neck.

Peter: "I may have called someone."

(Upper East Side)

Blood Spider was doing acrobatics while swinging, though he doesn't admit it, every time he swings, its like a weight is being lifted off him, which brings him slight comfort.

He then swings far up in the air, letting go of his web as he closes his eyes and exhales.

Almost as if he was stuck in place, he smiled then started diving head first, backwards as he shot another web line and continued swinging.

Then he made a sharp turn, and flipped onto a flagpole, then stood on it.

Blood Spider: "I never get tired of that..."

???: "Same, it's an pretty cool feeling."

Blood Spider sighed then looked up to Silk, A.K.A Cindy Moon, a well known member of the Spider-Family, sitting on a ledge in her suit.

Blood Spider: Clone of Kaine Parker (REWRITE/SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now