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Well, today was it. Izuna didn't remember what happened last night however he remembered how Madara acted extremely emotional the time before they got to the Festival the Senju were hosting for a blessing from a god. He'll get his answer today, that was it. Madara could either be awake or not at this time, the man either wakes up at ungodly hours like at three or four in the damn morning, or midst morning at nine.

Now, he just had to kill time and wait for Madara until he becomes fully awake, he got up and made his futon, going out of the house they had. He knew a riverbank here to bathe, it shouldn't be far away. Yes, he took spare clothes and also had weapons underneath those cloth incase enemy shinobi were to come and attack him, especially spy elite ones.

Gladly, none were there. He undressed until he was naked and so he bathed himself in peace. It was cold, yet refreshing to the mind and body at the same time. He swam a bit, dipping his head in the water. He could hear birds chirping nearby, a group of crows flying above the sky, the sun was rising, and the view was magnificent, just beautiful. He was glad he usually awoke at these times of the days, being the early bird he was. He gets to see the sun start to rise above the skies.

He swam and washed himself thoroughly, it only took him about nine minutes of being there, and he got out of the water, swimming back to the surface and dressing himself after drying. Simple as that. He let his hair loose, now damp. He was going to tie it later once it's fully dry.

It wasn't long he reached his way back home, seeing that his brother already awoke as he was in his office, arranging some documents from here and there. He won't bother him this early, but oh well, Izuna couldn't help himself but be curious as to what his older brother of all people that emotional over something.

"Nii-san!" Izuna lighted up with joy and eagerness, walking over to Madara, closing the shoji behind as he entered. "Oh, Izuna." He chuckled, meeting his brother in a hug. They acted like they haven't seen each other for Kami knows how long in which they formerly last saw each other last night, but Izuna was just really curious like a child would be.

"Care to tell me what was it about yesterday?" He asked while they parted from their hug. There was no way it was nothing, thus Madara had to tell him as soon as possible, it was urgent Izuna knew. "Well," He sighed, pausing, "Hashirama told me that the elders have arranged something. You and.." Izuna arose a brow, invested. Him and who were arranged to what? "- that damn Senju, are engaged. For the unity."

What a surprise, he was betrothed to his very own great rival, ah, just how cruel can life be? It's limitless. "What." He turned pale as soon as he heard that, why couldn't Hashirama marry Madara instead? Then again, it was impossible. At least in this shinobi world they live in. He knew about Madara's feelings for Hashirama, it was conflicted, Madara loved Hashirama like that way, if you get it. No friendship of Madara's can ever reach that depth, he and Hashirama as aforementioned, have had their ups and downs, the time their friendship had died out was a very long time, a whole decade and a year or two. Anywho, as soon as Izuna turned pale, Madara patted his head, just like he does in their childhood. "Well, otouto, please avoid falling into the hands of that Senju." He told him when the wedding was to happen later on, only in a week. The look on Izuna's face was.. something that couldn't exactly be described.

That was a day that remained eventful, always will be.

It was only a week later and Izuna had to find a fitting dress of his likings.

Tobirama had no problem with the formal clothing he was to be wearing, however the main problem he had for now was.. the marriage, Izuna involved, they were to be expected to make children, or at least a child they were going to pass their genes onto. All for a unity, how absurd. Then again both of them were doing this for their clan's sake out of cold love.

Depressing, is it not? That's the harsh reality we receive.

Days later before the wedding, Izuna had chosen such a dress, quite disappointing he was going to soon be married with said man. A heir for the Uchiha and Senju, a next successor was needed in order to keep the bloodline going for the next generation after generation..


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