Chapter 2

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Time at UA was time well spent in Izuku's opinion. Nezu set his study material personally, and the dorm he was put in, while empty, was very nice. One downside was that his quirk usage was limited to his morning run around the campus. But otherwise, it was very good. And then came his first encounter with the number one hero when he was 14, a few months before the entrance exam. 

"It is an honour to meet you sir." Izuku makes sure to bow out of respect and reverence. "I did not expect to meet the God of Strength."
All Might sweatdrops. 'Nezu wasn't kidding about his God complex.' Shaking off his surprise, All Might smiles wide. "Anyway, there are a few reasons I am here, one of which was to see you." When Izuku raises himself up with a quizzical look, All Might continues. "Nezu has the utmost confidence in you, so I hope I don't regret this." And with that, he explains the truth of his quirk, his injury and his origins, deflating himself as evidence. 
When all was said and done, Izuku was in shock at the things he had learned. "Why are you telling me this?"
All Might smiles down at the soon to be student. "Because, Young Midoriya, I have chosen you to be my successor. Will you accept my quirk, and use it to help those in need?"
There was only one correct answer to that. "I can't."
"I knew you would say- wait what?"
It was a tough call, but Izuku felt like it was the right one. "I need to be stronger in order to become a god, yes, but I want to achieve that goal on my own. Don't worry, I intend to one day inherit your blessing, God of Justice, but for now, I want to prove I can be worthy of that title on my own."
After a brief pause, All Might's smile returns. "You're really something kid. I suppose I can stay in the hero game for a bit longer. So, God of Justice huh? What happened to Strength?"
If it weren't for his lack of traditional facial features, All Might could swear Izuku was smiling. "I feel like Justice is more fitting, all things considered."

All too soon it was time for the entrance exam. Nezu offered a recommendation, but he gave him the same answer he gave All Might. He wanted to do this on his own. They helped more than enough. He wanted to make the other students think this was his first time there, so he waited a short way away from the school in order to appear like a normal student. While other students admired the massive gate, he simply walked in, sure of his coming enrolment. He hears a yelp and sees a girl I the middle of falling over, so he quickly runs over and grabs her. "Sorry about grabbing you." He pulls her up and sets her firmly on her feet. "I didn't want to let you fall. Good luck." He quickly runs into the building, thoroughly confusing the brunette he just saved. 

The test itself was moderately simple for Izuku, with his English teacher giving Izuku a sly smirk when he finished an hour into the test. The speedster was genuinely relieved when Present Mic started talking about the robots. Then it was ruined by some kid with glasses. "Excuse me!" 
While the glasses kid went on a short tangent about how UA should be ashamed for making a grievous error on a pamphlet, Izuku couldn't help but think. 'This guy is certainly overzealous.'
He was a little surprised when the guy suddenly turned to him. "And you! You barely even did any work on this test! If you're only going to waste everyone's time, then you should leave!" The future God of Speed didn't really bother responding, only giving him a bored side eye before turning away, triggering annoyed splutters from the glasses guy. 
Present Mic interrupts what might have become another tirade. "I was getting to that. That's more of an obstacle for you to avoid, not actually worth any points. Oh, and try not to provoke the other examinees." Glasses guy apologises with a quick bow before sitting back down again. 

It was time for the practical exam. Something Izuku plans to excel at if it killed him. His teachers hadn't given him any information about it before today, despites Mic's subtle attempts to do so.  He looks around him as the other examinees move in slow motion, gauging their quirks, before his eyes settle on the brunette he helped. He strides over to her, the heavy clanging of his feet and the confident way he holds himself making the other examinees think twice about getting in his way. Except for one. "You there! She appears to be trying to focus. Do you hope to sabotage her attempts?"
Izuku simply picks him up in one hand and physically moves him out of the way. "Stay out of my way."
The girl looks at him as his clanging steps come closer. "Oh, you're that guy that stopped me from breaking my face. Thanks for that by the way."
He waves away the thanks. "It wasn't a problem. Hey, might I ask what your quirk is?"
She seems surprised at the question, but not at all suspicious. "Oh, sure. It's called Zero Gravity. Anything I touch with the tips of my fingers becomes completely weightless. But I get a little sick if I do it too much or affect too much weight."
"Hmmm." Izuku rubs his chin, the sharp points of his fingers making a scraping noise as the metal rubs together. "This might seem unorthodox, but what if we worked... together?"

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