Part 2

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Wanda Maximoff is strapped to a chair.


Fortunately, it's not because she'd been caught behind enemy lines or had to be restrained because of those stupid accords that nobody really cares about except Tony and Steve.

No, Wanda Maximoff is at the dentist's office.


Okay, so, she's not strapped per se, but the patient bib she wears over her clothes certainly feels like one, especially when that chair starts to tilt back as soon as you nudge the adjustor with your foot. It's like being bound in place, just without the actual restraints.

Her lips are dry, and her heart is beating just a little too fast, but not from fear this time. It's a different sort of edginess that Wanda feels, especially when you lean in too close to her face to check her molars. Your face is just inches from hers, eyebrows strewn in concentration and eyes focused. Wanda tries to look away, but there's nowhere to look except the ceiling or into those scrutinizing eyes.

It also doesn't help that you smell absolutely incredible. Last week, you smelled like raindrops on petals. Today, you smell like cinnamon and vanilla, and she finds both scents comforting and addicting.

"So, Wanda," you say, your voice calm and gentle, "How have you been taking care of your teeth since the last visit?"

"Uh, fine," Wanda tries to articulate the words properly but all that comes out is a garbled "ahhh fuh". You don't mock her in any way; instead, you display an expert understanding of your patients' speech patterns.

"You've been brushing and flossing?"

Wanda nods.

"Good girl," you say, and even though your smile is hidden behind the mask, she can still see it in your eyes. They crinkle at the corners, and it just sends something warm and happy in Wanda's chest whenever she sees it.

But there's nervousness, too.

In fact, a lot of things about you make her nervous. After all, your kind used to be the bane of her existence.

You turn away to prepare the necessary tools, and Wanda's mind starts to wander. How many patients do you see in a day? Are you always this nice and charming to them?

Are they also nervous around you? Or is it just her?

"Alright, Wanda," you say, turning back to her, your eyes kind and understanding. "Let's get started. Just a small pinch, and you'll feel a little numb."

She nods again, and the procedure begins.

As you work, you talk about mundane things and the new plant you acquired over the weekend. You also talk a little about the Avengers compound and the unique experiences that come with being their on-call dentist, especially with a synthezoid who insists on getting their teeth checked.

Wanda answers more freely now, her initial hesitation gone. She finds herself enjoying your company–enjoying this dental appointment, of all things–and even laughing at some of your anecdotes.

Finally, the fillings are in place, and you help her rinse her mouth.

"See?" you say, patting her shoulder. "That wasn't so bad."

Wanda beams at you, feeling quite proud of herself. "No, it wasn't. Thank you."

"There are still three more that might need fillings, but we can schedule that for some other time. Don't want you to get overwhelmed," you add with a cheeky wink that has Wanda unwittingly clutching the armchair tightly.

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