3: past mistakes

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In the chaos of the war almost everyone had found a night off and made a trip to the closest pub. Since we were all back in England, for the time being, Peggy welcomed me to her temporary home. It was a modest house, nothing too fancy. I had planned a night out for just the two of us. She wasn't really feeling up to it since we still had to do some work.

"Oh, come on, Peggy. Just one night. We can finish this tomorrow," I said to her, practically begging.

"Autumn, we can't. Besides, you still need to finish up that report I gave to you yesterday."

"And I finished it yesterday. I even handed it to you! How do you not remember this?"

She looked over on her desk, and there the file was. Staring right at her. "Nevermind. Just go out without me. And pass along the message to your brother that he needs to be here first thing in the morning."

I grabbed her by the arm away from her work. "Nope, you're gonna tell him yourself. Let's get dolled up."

She was hesitant at first to hit the streets with me. I eased her mind telling her that I'm not like a wild one on a night out. In fact, I'm quite the opposite, given my history with John.

Her closet wasn't filled with too many dresses to choose from. I found her a stunning red dress that I know Steve would love. And I found myself a blue dress that fit me surprisingly perfectly. With our makeup on, we headed out to the pub where all the men were.

Steve had chosen Bucky and a few other men that he rescued to be his team on his missions. They were dubbed the Howling Commandos.

We held our heads high as we walked through the pub. All eyes were on us as the music stopped playing and the men stopped singing. It was a little intimidating, not gonna lie. She found Steve and Bucky in a back room.

"Captain," she greeted him.

"Agent Carter. Agent Rogers," Steve replied.

I smiled at him and felt Bucky's presence hovering over me from behind. He's been particularly protective over me since he came back. Then the silent reminder of him telling me how all of the soldiers would talk about me.

"Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning," Peggy said to Steve, looking at him only. I guess I didn't have to pass along the message now.

"Sounds good," he replied.

I managed to see what the other men were doing during their leisure time. "I see your top squad is prepping for duty," I said.

"Since when did you become a buzz kill, Grace? You love music," Bucky said to me.

"Yeah, I do." I turned to him to look in his eyes, "So does Peggy. Don't you?"

"It's true. I might even, when this is all over, go dancing." She was still looking into Steve's gaze.

"Then what are we waiting for," Bucky said while draping his arm over my shoulder and oblivious to the fact that she's not talking to him.

"The right partner." Her eyes finally left Steve's and to mine dragging me out the door. "0800, Captain."

As we hit the town to a classier place to have wine, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. I knew it couldn't have been Bucky, he was with Steve. The presence felt dark and menacing.

I didn't want to be the downer on a night out when I suggested it. I know Peggy would take the opportunity to go back and work all night.

"Hey, Peggy, um this might be a weird question but, do you see anyone staring at me?"

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