Chapter 25

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"She's not going to forgive me if I help you."

"You're the only one who can get close to her."

"I know. That's why I don't want to do this."

"You need to help us, Y/N. We need to capture her once and for all."

"Then do it without my help."

"Look, if we get her away from the base, away from her weapons and her people, it'll be easier. We won't risk losing anyone else."

"Then I risk losing her."

"You're still worried about her?"

"Yes. I am. We are finally starting to trust one another. I don't want to erase everything we worked so hard for."

"Y/N, we need to deal with her once and for all."

"I'll compromise."

"I'm listening."

"You worked up in the ranks and you were only there for about two months. You're leading this, right?"


"If I give you her location, you cannot kill her."

"I can't promise that."

"That is my compromise. I give you her location and you won't kill her. Simple as that. And if you can, persuade the new captain in an ultimatum. Because I know she won't want to sit in prison for the rest of her life."

"She deserves it!"

"You think she deserves it. I think she deserves a second chance. Anyway, persude him into giving her an ultimatum. Either she has to pay the price of sitting in a cell for the rest of her life or she disbands the mafia. And I will look after her, making sure she doesn't hurt any innocent person ever again."

I stared at the screen as she was typing her response.

"Fine. I'll see what I can do. I can't promise I won't shoot her on sight."

"Please, Fareeha."

"I'll try not to shoot her on sight."

I let out a sigh as I placed my phone on the sink counter. There was a knock on the door and I reached over, unlocking it. Grabbing a nearby towel, I placed it over my legs as Odessa walked in.

"Y-Ya alright in 'ere?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah. I-I'm fine."

"'ere," she handed me a bag filled with a few things.

"What's this?" I asked, taking it.

Opening it up, I found there was another box of pads I used, some medicine for my cramps, and a small bag of chocolate. 

"D-Dez," I smiled up at her. "H-How did you know it started today?"

"The first time ya had it 'ere, I wrote it down for every month."

"Y-You did?" I asked, some tears forming in my eyes.

"Y-Yeah. I-I wanted to make sure ya had everything ya needed for when it came."

"I'd hug you, but," I looked at the situation I was in.

"It's alright," she chuckled. "It took me a while, but I got a heated blanket for you."

"Really?!" I looked over at her.

"Yep. It's on your bed and plugged in already. I set it on medium heat. I-I don't know what heat settin' ya like."

"Dez, I could kiss you right now," I chuckled.

Her face immediately turned red like her eyes as she nervously smiled at me, walking out of my room.

"I-I'll be right back."

Realizing what I had just said, I laughed before I mentally slapped myself. I finished getting ready before walking out of the bathroom. Heading over to my bed, I laid down and placed the heated blanket on my stomach. It was nice, but I liked whenever she provided the warmth. She could rival any blanket I ever knew. Knocking on the door before coming in, she had a mug in her hands. It looked small compared to her large hands, but as soon as she set it in mine, the mug looked normal.

"Thanks," I said as she sat beside me.

"Can I get ya anythin' else?"

"I wouldn't mind a nice walk with you," I smiled. 

"It's freezin' outside, Y/N."

"I lived in Canada for about a few years. This is nothin'."

"Did ya get snow up there?"

"A lot of it."

"I never saw snow. I was told the outbacks was never really the right area to get snow. It hardly got any rain. But since I lived here my entire life, I never saw a single snowflake."

"Maybe tonight will be the night," I smiled, sipping on my tea she made me.


"Let me get changed," I said, setting my tea down on the bedside table.

I turned off the heated blanket and got up. She got up and headed into her room to change. I knew exactly where I was going to take us tonight. With reluctance, I pulled out my phone and messaged Fareeha where we were going.

"I'll gather the troops. Lena is going to be coming with me tonight."


"Everything is going to be ok, Y/N. You can finally have a life without her."

"But what if I wanted a life with her," I whispered to myself.

I got ready to head out into the cold with Odessa. Once I had finished getting all my layers on, I walked into the main part of the base to where I found her standing there with long pants, a heavy coat, and boots. We walked out of the base together and she locked the door.

"Where do ya want to go?"

"The beach. I heard there might be a chance for snow there."

"Lead the way," she said.

We walked out of the alley we were in and I headed north, since that was the closest beach I knew that could possibly get a chance of snow. When we reached it, there was hardly anyone there. I mean, who would go to a beach when there is a possible chance of snow? And who would go at this hour? We slowly started to walk around the beach, not stepping into the sand until Odessa walked out to look at the water. I followed after her, checking over my shoulder for any signs of police activity.

We stood there, looking at the water, watching the moon's reflection get distorted as the waves started to come in. After an hour of standing there, small white specs started to float down. Looking over at Odessa, a large smile appeared on her face. A look in her eyes came like she was a child on Christmas morning. There was awe and absolute wonder flooding her eyes as she removed her hand from her coat pocket, letting snowflakes fall onto her hand. I couldn't help but giggle as she looked up into the dark sky, watching the snow fall. Sticking out her tongue, she captured a few of them and they melted as soon as they made contact. I was in awe with her.

Looking down at me, a smile crawled onto her face as I stepped towards her. It was a calm night in December, which I was expecting it to be more hectic since Christmas is right around the corner. But yet here we are, standing on a beach with a lot of peace we have ever experienced in our lives.

"Thank you, Y/N," she smiled down at me, placing a hand on my cheek.

"You're welcome, Odessa," I smiled up at her.

Leaning down, her eyes fluttered closed and mine did as well. Our lips were right about to touch, as we could feel our breath against each other.


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