CHAPTER 01 - Pilot

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Five teenagers were hanging out in a barn, laughing and listening to music during  a thunderstorm. It was labour day weekend, meaning that the girls would soon have to go back to school so they were enjoying their last few days of freedom.

"Pass me the drink Spence." Taylor calls out to her friend from where she was sitting next to her twin sister, Hanna. However, before Spencer could pass the girl her drink, all off the lights go out. "Not creepy at all." Taylor mutters to herself, she looks around and notices how the other girls were starting to look scared.

"It must be the storm." Spencer informs the others. 

Taylor reaches out to grab a spare torch when the barn door suddenly opens. "Now that's definitely not creepy." She whispers to the others. 

"Shut up Taylor." Hanna whispers yells at her.

"Alright, fine!"

The five girls slowly make their way over to the front of the barn, with each step Taylor was getting all the more anxious so she grabbed Hanna's hand. Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair jumps out from behind the door causing everyone to scream. Taylor's being the loudest.

"That's so not funny Alison." Spencer scolds Ali whilst the rest of them were laughing. Walking back to their seats Taylor looks around and notices that there is no more room left for her so she decided to just sit on the floor.

"Ali, did you download the new Beyonce?" Hanna questions the self-proclaimed leader of the group.

Alison shrugs her shoulders, "Not yet."

"I'm loving her new video." Emily comments, adding to the conversation. 

"Maybe a little too much, Em." Alison tells Emily, which confuses Taylor as she noticed that there seems to be an underlining tone in the girls voice. She also notices how Emily has started to get a little uncomfortable after Alison's remark.

Spencer finally passes Taylor her drink but as she drinks the alcohol Spencer says, "Careful Tay, drink too much and you'll tell us all your secrets." Taylor gives Spencer a fake warning look but then soon joins in on the laughter.

"Friends share secrets." Alison informs the group. "That's what keeps us close."

Eventually the whole group had gotten tired and all fell asleep. Well, what they thought was all of them.

A little while later Taylor felt someone shaking her shoulder, causing her eyes to snap open. Seeing that it was only Hanna, Taylor groans and closes her eyes again. "Go away Hanna, you know not to wake me up or I'll take away all of your chunky monkey."

"Ali and Spencer are missing." Emily tells the blonde girl who was trying to get back to sleep. If Emily thought that that was going to get Taylor to move then the girl was wrong. Taylor valued sleep over almost everything.

"Okay... and?"

"And they're your friends. So get up and help us find them." Aria scolds the girl.

Opening her eyes, Taylor saw the stern look her friends and sister were giving her so she relented. "Ugh, fine." She says as she slowly got up. They walk over towards the front of the barn where they meet Spencer who is coming back in.

"Ali?" Aria questions, wondering if she's with Spencer.

The Hasting's girl shakes her head. "She's gone." Spencer informs the group looking worried. "I've looked everywhere for her. I think I heard her scream."

"Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful." Taylor comments sarcastically, but all she gets back is being hit on the back of the head by Hanna. "Ow! Watch it."


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