kenny omega - Japan

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"Well, how long will you be in Japan for?" You ask!, your husband Kenny is packing for Japan, he's leaving tomorrow, becauses he's doing forbidden door!!

"I'll be back the day after?" He says, looking around the room for something

"Honey, have you seen wrestling boots?" He asks

"Yeah? There in the closet" you point yo the bedroom closet!!

"Thanks baby" he walks into the closet and brings out two pairs of shoes, and puts them in the suitcase!, once he is done, he zips it up and puts it by the door!!

"Y/N, why don't you come out to Japan?" It would be fun" he says, he's now lying next to you on the bed

"Oh, I would but I can't, Darcy has school" you tell him, he gives you the sad puppy dog eyes, but nods, darcy is your six year old daughter!, she's has seen kenny in action a couple of times

"I guess I'll go kiss her in the night" he gets up of the bed and starts for the door, he turns back to you, a sad look on his face

"Ya know, I hate not being here when she wakes up" he says

"Oh I know!" You give him a slight smile and he walks out the door.


A couple hours later, you wake to find kenny!, getting his bags ready, he's trying to be quite

"Hey, go back to sleep baby, its still early' He says

"I wanted to see you before you left" you say sleeply, kennyeana forward and kisses you softy

"I love you" he says

"I love you too!, be safe" and with that, kenny leaves.

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