Matt Jackson - meet and greet

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"Y/N, if you don't move your butt right now, we going to miss it" your sister calls from the bottom of the stairs, today you where going to a aew meet and greet, and you had been looking forward to it all week, you where mainly looking forward to meeting the young bucks, you look at the time on the clock on the wall and sign

"Y/N, come on, you know I want to meet the young bucks" she yells

"I'm coming" you yell back, a few seconds later, you come running down the stairs

"Finally" you just roll your eyes, you grab your bag and head out the door.

15 minutes later you pull into the parking lot, you can see huge crowds already forming, and it gives you anxiety!

"Y/N, you'll be fine!, if it gets to much we can always leave" your sister says!, you climb out the car and begin walking over!, once inside, it's more chaotic then it is outside, but your excited!

"Just keep close" she says

"Okay" you both make your way through the crowds, trying not to bump into anyone!!, suddenly you bump into your sister

"Jeez Kait" she stumble, you look at her and she is completely frozen, a shocked expression on her face!

"I-i-t-t-the y-y-yoing b-b-b-bucks" she stutters, you follow her gaze and there they are!, matt and nick Jackson, know as the young bucks, taking pics and signing autographs for a flood of fans!! Kait starts walking towards them, but you grab her arm to stop her

"Maybe we should come back later" you suggest, it does look crowded

"Oh come on Y/N, it's not that bad, besides, knowing you, well run out of time, and won't be able to see them" she huffs

"What do you mean run out of time?" You ask

"Well, you'll probably want to spend all your time checking out hangman and the gunns" she says

"Ha, checking out hangman and the gunns" you scoff, she gives you a look

"Oh come off it y/n, your totally obsessed with hangman and the gunns" she tries not to grin

"Says the one who is completely in love with nick Jackson" you shoot back, now it's her turn to scoff

"I am not in love with nick Jackson" she says, hand on heart as she's offended, you just roll your eyes!

"Hey, look" she says looking over at the bucks

"They're not that many people over there now" she says and starts walking, you sign, but follow anyways

"Who's next" you hear someone call

"That's us" kait squeals, you and kait walk up and are now face to face with the bucks! 

Both matt and nick smile when they see you both

"Hi" nick says

"Omg hi" kait says, she is now in full fangirl mode and it makes you giggle!, youve never the one to go full fangirl mode, well, except hangman and the gunns

"Hi" you hear someone say, it's matt

"Oh, hey, sorry" you say, smiling

"That's okay" he says! "So, what's your nam" he asks

"Uh..y/n" you mumble, he signs something to you and then passes it!, your fingers brushing his!, you quickly pull away and say thanks, as about to leave, you hear matt calling your name, you turn around

"I was just wondering if you wanted to take a picture?" He says, you look over and both kait and nick are looking at you, and it looks like they've both been watching you!

"Okay" you shrug and get kait to take the pic for you.

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