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It's the 15th august.
The second day of school and we had a new class.
Today we went on a bike tour and we also played football and ultimate frisbee no idea how to explain that. Yeah the day was prettyyy long and tiring my legs hurt so much and it was the end of the day everyone packed there bags and began to leave. I was with two of my friends driving my bike when suddenly this one guy from my class let's call him ma (first two letters of his name) ma suddenly said: CHINESE all infront of his friends but his friends didn't even laugh they just zoomed past him ignoring him so I was aggravated but I laughed it off while one of my friends let's call her va she said she was gonna beat him up tmrw haha.. so ofcourse I think back to that one time where my sister told me if anyone ever says anything even if it's small she would go with her friend group and teach them a lesson because my sister is very influential she is literally so popular I'm not even kidding people on the street that I don't even know say : hi (name) sister and I'm just left confused. So after I think of that I tel my friend sans she said I swear go to your sister and beat him up tmrw. So after school ny sister was with her friends somewhere idk where so I went to the swimming park and when I got back home she was like there after 1 hour so I told her what happened and she asked me. What is his name. I tell her his name is ma—-  and she tells me a picture would be great so I showed her a pic of him where he sent to our class chat and she asked me to send it to her, after that I went in my room just chilling watching yt when my sister called me on my phone so I take it. She asks me is he's from(a certain place) and I say I think and I told her wait I have a paper where it says from where they are and it was indeed(that certain place) so she said oh this gonna be easy and yeah so. I went in my sisters room like a bit later because my mom asked me to tell her something and I agreed and she showed me that a person that I don't even know but that is friends with my sis said "bro he should just shut his filthy mouth" like I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HER and yeah😘after that my sis asked me to show my schedule for tomorrow so she could see when they could see him. And yeah that was what happened and I'm supposed to be asleep rn but uh I sneezed my phone in haha... K I'm gonna go sleep BYE

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