New Girl at Raven High ~Lindal~

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A blue sky, beautiful, bright and serene. However it is deadly, bringing the clouds, and storms and chaos. Have you ever seen a blue sky and thought, "today is going to be a good day," but then the sky shows its true intentions. If you have done this with the sky,then you must have done this with others, I have. It was two months ago that my blue sky became my stormy chaos, although the story truly starts at the beginning of my Junior year at Raven High School...

My name is Lindal Kayrel, and my story could change lives, I was always a shy girl avoiding eye contact silently weaving my way through the crowds. It was the first day of my Junior year, and it had already started off on the wrong foot.

"MOM! Where are my socks?" I shouted running around the house looking through our still unpacked boxes. My family had moved from Alabama three months before.

"Are they in your closet?" She asked coming out of the kitchen with my bagged lunch.

"Don't you think I would have looked in there already?" I snapped.

"Lin," I heard my mom's voice but ignored it and kept looking through the boxes. "Lindal!" she yelled, and I looked back at her.


"You already have your socks on." She said gently. I stopped moving and looked down, sure enough my socks and shoes were already on my feet.

"Oh." I dumbly stared at my covered toes.

"Honey are you sure you are ready for this?"

I sighed and picked up my backpack, "Yeah how bad can it be?" That was my first mistake.

The school was only a mile down the road but my loving mother wanted to drive me on my first day.

"Have a good day, and don't forget to smile." She chimed. I grabbed my bag from the backseat.

"Don't forget you have a job interview 12:30 today." I announced then watched her roll her eyes as I closed the car door, she pulled forward as I turned to face my new school, this is it. I thought taking my first to the big double doors, and pulling them open. My plan was simple open the doors fall into the crowd and disappear. Unfortunately my plan fell apart completely when I stepped into the school, the hall seemed instantly quiet, everyone stopped and stared.

"Oh hello, you must be Lindal." A bright face greeted me, she had a clipboard and pen.

"Uh it's Lin, but yeah that is me." I feel my legs shaking and heart pounding out of pure of fright, I was sure everyone in the hall could hear it.

"Alright, why don't you come with me, I will show you to your first class, My name is Katie," Katie had dark brown skin and short, almost no hair. She turned and peered at the crowd then after a brief silent stare she shouted, "You have had your look, now time to move on," the crowd began moving again, and finally the silence ended.

"Um I don't have a schedule," I mumbled nervously.

"I have it here." She handed me a piece of paper and I noticed her fingernails were long and pointed "I apologize for the other students, we are a small school after all."

"Oh it's alright." I was looking over my list of classes while following Katie, when I seen a dark figure at the edge of my vision. I looked up swiftly to see to see a boy sitting against the wall, he wore all black with a grey sleeveless hoodie. His hood was pulled over his hair and one leg was pulled close to his chest with an arm draped around it.

It wasn't the way he dressed or the fact that he was sitting on the floor, it was the fact that he was staring directly at me with brilliant emerald, seemingly inhuman eyes. My feet instinctively stopped I stared at him as a frightened deer might when faced with the headlights of a car.

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