63 // Parents

43 6 0

5secsofbullshit (via Instagram):

Ashton posted pictures with siblings and with his mom, Calum posted a picture of him and his dad, and Luke's mom posted a picture of the whole family. But did you notice that Michael didn't post anything? The only thing he wrote about for Christmas was a few girls who got him some nerf guns... and now that I think about it, we know, Luke, Calum and Ashton's family, but we don't know Michael's. And when they got home for the holidays from L.A., everyone's family was there except for Michael's. And he had to take a bus home when all the other families left together. And then I remembered the tweet "I actually don't like calling you guys fans because you guys are like my family I never had :(" does this make you as sad as it's making me right now? He has no siblings, and he probably doesn't have his parents.


No hate on this I found it a while ago and I just wanted to see what other people thought cause idk

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