And Now, We Take a Slight Detour

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After riding the train for a day,I decided to walk for a little while, to the town next to the one I had come. I would enjoy a train ride, but it was a little to fast for me, and I would probably sleep through it. I wanted some alone time and time to think before I went to my....cousins house. As I walked into the town square, I was confronted by a Alabaster. He had recognized my face.

People always said I took after Father.

"Well well if it isn't a Ebony. How revolting." He spat on the ground at my shoes. "What are you doing here?"

I shrugged. "Just on my way to the train station."

He snarled. "Well, I, Darren Alabaster, must've missed you in my Check. I'll need to take care of that." He lunged at me and pushed me into the bushes. I tried to retaliate, but he was too strong. I pushed him off me and tried to pull out my sword, but then he pulled a gun on me. I froze

"Hmm...afraid of guns aren't we?" Darren scoffed as he stepped up to me. "Let's see if this scares you more!" He pulled out a shard of stone and a shard of iron, which had predrawn arrays on them, He placed them on my right arm and activated his alchemy. I instinctively cried out, my arm searing in pain. My vision faded as he walked away.


I woke up to the sound of a train whistle. I scurried up and grabbed my bags. A train was just pulling in, so I bought a ticket for Rush Valley. Even though I didn't have automail,maybe there was someone who could help me reset the metal, which I saw, as I undid Darren's alchemy, had become infected.

I didn't want to go home.

I had come too far

to go back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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