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It was a few days after first getting on the bus with blur, you had befriended graham and were basically best friends by now and Damon was glad you had gotten along with someone else as well as himself.

Alex thought you and graham had something going on and was constantly bursting in on the pair of you to try and catch you doing something, but constantly failed.
You weren't sure how you felt about Alex because all he thought of you was as a groupie. But you didn't let it bother you too much.

It was about 9pm, you got a bit peopled out by the party so you climbed a small ladder to the top of the bus so you could have some peace and quiet.
A few days before you went on tour with Damon, you had broken up with your boyfriend after a full blown argument.
It was a pretty petty argument, it was because you brought up how you thought he wasn't putting effort into the relationship and he wouldn't even dare kiss you anymore.
This caused him to smash glasses, punch walls and call you names and destroy your flat.

He called you worthless and unimaginably horrible names. But you refused to tell anyone about it because you felt embarrassed about it. But it really got to you with some of the names he called you and your mind wouldn't let it go. It began to make you quite depressed, and your only escape was alcohol. And drugs.

You were completely hammered black out drunk by this point but you were extremely quiet and emotional while heavily drunk on lager.
You were staring off into space just replaying the traumatic memories of your ex boyfriend in your head, a tear rolled down your cheek as you cracked open another lager and downed it in minutes.

You felt the bus jolt slightly as a head popped up at the end of the bus where the ladder was, it was graham.
You were too sad to acknowledge his presence and just ignored it but he came over and sat next to you in silence.

"You okay?" He said in a soft tone
"mhm." You replied, still staring off into space.

"Are you sure, I can tell your really drunk." graham said
"I'm fine" you mumbled
"I don't believe you. I've only known you a few days but I know when stuffs not right with you y/n." He glared at you.
"IM FINE GRAHAM. OKAY? GOT IT?" You suddenly screamed before fully breaking down into tears, embarrassed.

Graham pulled you in for a warm hug. You had only hugged him once or twice before, but you loved his hugs.

"I'm-sorry. I shouldn't be like this in front of you, he's just so horrible I can't help it" you cried into his chest, having your arms around his neck while hyperventilating.

"It's okay. He's not here now, and you don't need to tell me if you don't want to. But I'm here. I listen to you." He said, rubbing your back while leaning his chin on top of your head.

"I know he's not here now, but, he will always be in my head. We dated for more than 2 years. I thought I loved him. I thought he loved me and I was a fucking idiot for thinking that."  You cried, clinging onto him tighter.

"The names me called me. The way he called me them. The anger in his eyes. He scared me so much that night" you mumbled

"It's okay. I promise. He's gone, and hey, your bestie graham will save the day right?! I'll knock his lights out yeah!" Graham said as he pulled you out of his grasp, grabbing your shoulders for reassurance while looking you directly in the eye.

You just giggled and hugged him tight again, this time around his head as your ram your fingers through his hair.

"I bloody love you graham I'm so glad I came on this tour now. I'm glad I met you, we clicked instantly. We are already better friends than how we were with Damon." You said smiling

"I bloody love you too and I'm glad we became friends as well." Graham smiled back

He pulled a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, lighting it and then offering you a hit which you gladly accepted.

"Did you see that?! Oh my goodness!" You suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the sky.
"What! What! Where? What are we looking at?"  Graham perked up, turning his head up and all around the sky.

"It was a shooting star! Aw I wish you saw it that was amazing!" You exclaimed, taking another hit from the cigarette before passing it back to Graham.

"Keep looking up, there might be another" you said, making sure he kept his head up.

A few minutes past before another one shot through the sky, this time graham saw it

"Oh my god! I saw it! Did you? Wow that was so pretty" graham exclaimed like an excited little kid
"I did I saw that too!" You exclaimed back in the same tone

The pair of you giggled excitedly while looking up into the sky for hours as graham told you all about the stars and what he knew about it, he studied astronomy quite a bit before so he had a lot to tell.

You were glad you were best friends with graham.

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