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The burrow was one of Quinn's favourite places, especially during the summer. All of her friends came over to the Weasley home for the last week or two before they had to go back to school.

She was sat downstairs with Ginny who was rambling on about her boyfriend Dean Thomas, a relationship that came as a surprise to Quinn.

Quinn flipped through the daily prophet as she listened to her friend. Quinn turned the paper back to the front cover and she was greeted by Harry's face printed on it.

"Do you think Harry's coming up this summer?" Ginny asks as she peers over at the newspaper.

"He usually does," Quinn answers but with the things being said about him she's not sure he would want to be in the wizarding world right now. "Dumbledore might not want him to with the war getting worse and everything."

"I hope he does," Ginny says as she lays back in her chair.

Quinn knew that Ginny used to like Harry. It wasn't exactly a secret but now she was dating Dean and seemed to have forgotten about Harry for the most part, it was something Quinn wished she could do, forget about the love she had once had for someone that easily.

It's not even a couple of moments later when the two girls notice that Harry's stuff has appeared in the living room of the burrow. She hadn't even seen the boy come in.

"Well I suppose he is then," Quinn says as she stands up to move over to where Harry's owl hedwig sits in her cage.

Ginny heads over towards the stairs as she shouts on her mum, asking if she's seen Harry wandering around the house.

"I don't know!" Mrs Weasley shouts back down to her daughter, leaning over the stairs railing as she looks down.

"Harry's here?" Ron asks with a confused expression on his face as he joins in the conversation.

Quinn's surprised Ron wasn't the first person Harry went to when he came in.

"All his stuff is down here," Ginny shouts back up at her brother. "He must be."

"Wouldn't we have seen him come in?" Quinn asks Ginny as she moves around the downstairs floor, searching for her friend.

She can vaguely hear Hermione shout down something from the top floor as she begins to look around the kitchen. When she can't find anything she turns back to say something to Ginny but when she does she spots her walking over to the boy, engulfing the boy in a hug.

"Harry?" Quinn says with a small smile on her face as she walks over to the boy.

"It's good to see you," Harry says as he pulls her in for a hug.

It doesn't take long before Mrs Weasley comes downstairs to greet Harry, shortly followed by Ron and Hermione.

"I didn't know you were coming," Mrs Weasley says as she smiles widely over at Harry.

"Neither did I till just now," Harry explains to her. "Dumbledore sent me."

"Of course he did," Mrs Weasley says as she fusses over him.

Dumbledore was one of the oddest and most unpredictable people Quinn had even met. He was apparently quite powerful though so people seemed to trust his judgment and opinions.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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